
Internship Spotlight : Ashli Au - Samuel Centre For Social Connectedness

In 2014, conflict erupted between Ukraine and Russia following Russia鈥檚 annexation of the Crimean peninsula. Though efforts were made to put an end to the conflict in the region, tensions remained high. In February 2022, Russia commenced a full-scale military invasion into Ukraine resulting in approximately three thousand civilian deaths,

I recently attended a panel on supporting LGBTQ+ communities in Ukraine at the Glad Day Bookshop in downtown Toronto which discussed the nuanced experiences of social belonging and isolation for LGBTQ+ Ukrainians amidst the current conflict in the region. All panelists will be kept anonymous to protect their identities.

Some LGBTQ+ Ukrainians have voluntarily joined forces with Ukrainian troops to counter Russian forces including some, sewing the image of a just below the national flag in recognition of their LGBTQ+ identity and connection to the broader queer community. As one of the panelists articulated, the current conflict is the first modern war where queer visibility is so high. For some LGBTQ+ Ukranians fighting alongside members of the far-right who have historically rejected LGBTQ+ people amongst other minority groups in an effort to advance their , differences are overlooked in a joint effort to protect the . For others, their investment in fighting is to repel the imposition of Russia鈥檚 anti-LGBTQ+ regime in Ukraine. As a panelist noted, prior to the Russian invasion, social acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community was on the rise to the extent that in large cities in Ukraine, being a member of the LGBTQ+ community was generally socially acceptable. Legal protections and recognitions of and the hosting of public pride events in . With an optimistic outlook for LGBTQ+ Ukrainians on the horizon, the risk of Russia鈥檚 anti-LGBTQ+ agenda weighs heavily. Joining the Ukrainian army brings the hope that in the post-war state, they will experience less prejudice . However, for some in these spaces,

Despite homosexual activity being legal in Ukraine and increased social acceptance of queer identities, many legal protections and legal recognitions such as . This lack of formal recognition, and precarious positionality exacerbates violence and social isolation against LGBTQ+ Ukrainians. This only increases in times of conflict. In a 2018 report by the 鈥嬧婭nternational Review of the Red Cross, they found that during armed conflict, violence against the LGBTQ+ community increases often because parties to armed conflict, if not directly involved in abuse, fail to take preventative measures or . LGBTQ+ people are also more likely to face violence, denial of basic services, arbitrary . For example, some members of the trans and non-binary community have been held back and/or harassed by state officials. and/or crossing into neighboring countries to continue hormone replacement therapy. For those members of the LGBTQ+ community who flee the country and seek refuge in neighboring countries, . The majority of where a third of the country denounces LGBTQ+ ideology and/or promotes heterosexual familities in what are otherwise known as . Violence is further amplified because many LGBTQ+ people, when seeking asylum do not disclose their sexual and gender identities in an effort to avoid LGBTQ+ based prejudice. As a result their unique needs and vulnerabilities are unaccounted for . As the panelists pointed out, the which in some cases, has resulted in hormone replacement shortages for trans individuals.

While the situation is ever changing and complex, Ukrainian solidarity abroad and domestically has created systems of support for. The panelists shared the work of and the work of the We Support which raises funds for non-governmental organizations based in Ukraine that are best able to support LGBTQ+ people in the region. In neighboring Poland, . In this time, l and we must continue to be vigilant and responsive to the complex needs and connections of our LGBTQ+ community globally.

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