
NSERC John C. Polanyi Award – call for nominations

Published: 16 December 2008

NSERC John C. Polanyi Award – call for nominations

NSERC Deadline: March 2, 2009

NSERC is calling for nominations for the John C. Polanyi Award. This award was created to recognize and support a university researcher or team of researchers whose work has led to a recent outstanding Canadian advance in a field of the natural sciences or engineering.

The winning individual or team will receive a research grant in the amount of $250,000


  • candidates must be nominated by two active researchers from the Canadian science and engineering research community

  • candidates must hold an NSERC grant. In the case of a team, at least one team member must hold an NSERC grant

  • candidates must have received NSERC support for the research that led to the advance for which the individual or team is being nominated

  • team members may include researchers from academia, government or industry, and may be research associates, postdoctoral fellows or students

Details on the composition of the nomination package can be found on the NSERC website: .

We urge Deans and Chairs to submit names of possible candidates to the Research Grants Office before February 1. Please provide a short summary that identifies the outstanding advance and describes the significance, novelty and impact of the advance.

RGO Contact
Mary-Margaret Klempa

Senior Grants Officer
Email: mary-margaret.klempa [at] mcgill.ca">mary-margaret.klempa [at] mcgill.ca
Phone: (514) 398-7359


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