

"Transport Mode Selection for Toxic Gases: Rail or Road?," Risk Analysis

Authors: Bagheri,聽Morteza; Verma,聽Manish; Verter,聽Vedat

Publication: Risk Analysis, 2013


Published: 31 May 2013

"Identity In and Around Organisations," The European Business Review

Authors: Schultz, Majken; Maguire, Steve

Publication: The European Business Review


Published: 24 May 2013

"The Persistent Effect of Geographic Distance in Acquisition Target Selection," Organization Science

Authors: Chakrabarti, Abhirup; Mitchell, Will

Publication: Organization Science, March 2013


Published: 17 May 2013

"Diffusion of a collaborative care model in primary care: a longitudinal qualitative study," BMC Family Practice

Authors: Vedel, Isabelle; Ghadi, Veronique; de Stampa, Matthieu; Routelous, Christelle; Bergman, Howard; Ankri, Joel; Lapointe, Liette

Publication: BMC Family Practice, 2013


Published: 16 May 2013

"Reinventing Retirement: New Pathways, New Arrangements, New Meanings," Human Relations

Authors: Sargent, Leisa; Lee, Mary Dean; Martin, Bill; Zikic, Jelena

Publication: Human Relations, January 2013


Published: 16 May 2013

"Pricing Credit Default Swaps with Observable Covariates," Review of Financial Studies

Authors: Doshi, Hitesh; Jacobs, Kris; Ericsson, Jan; Turnbull, Stuart

Publication: Review of Financial Studies, April 2013


Published: 16 May 2013

"Service innovativeness and firm value," Journal of Marketing Research

Authors: Dotzel, Thomas; Shankar, Venkatesh; Berry, Leonard L.

Publication: Journal of Marketing Research, April 2013


Published: 10 May 2013

"Do Implicit Barriers Matter for Globalization?," Review of Financial Studies

Authors: Carrieri, Francesca; Chaieb, Ines; Errunza, Vihang

Publication: Review of Financial Studies, 2013


Published: 26 Apr 2013

"Why Do Racial Slurs Remain Prevalent in the Workplace? Integrating Theory on Intergroup Behavior," Organization Science

Authors: Rosette, Ashleigh; Carton, Andrew; Bowes-Sperry, Lynn; Hewlin, Patricia

Publication: Organization Science, February 2013


Published: 19 Apr 2013

"Competitive price-matching guarantees: Equilibrium analysis of the availability verification clause under demand uncertainty," Management Science

Authors: Nalca,聽Arcan; Boyaci,聽Tamer; Ray,聽Saibal

Publication: Management Science


Published: 18 Apr 2013

"The Role of Leadership in Creating Virtuous and Compassionate Organizations: Narratives of Benevolent Leadership in an Anatolian Tiger," Journal of Business Ethics

Authors: Karakas,聽Fahri; Sarig枚ll眉,聽Emine

Publication: Journal of Business Ethics, 2013


Published: 18 Apr 2013

"Using signature matrix to analyze conflicting frames during the IS implementation process," International Journal of Accounting Information Systems

Authors: Azad, Bijan; Faraj, Samer

Publication: International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, June 2013


Published: 18 Apr 2013

Professor Robert Hebdon and PhD student Sung Chul Noh's Paper Selected to be Published in Best Paper Proceedings of the 2013 Academy of Management Meeting

A paper by professor Robert Hebdon and PhD student Sung Chul Noh has been judged by the reviewers to be one of the best accepted papers in the 2013 Academy of Management Meeting. This high honor entitles the paper to be published in the Best Paper Proceedings of the 2013 Academy of Management Meeting. The paper is titled: "Unbundling Workplace Conflict: Developing A Theory Of Conflict Mobilization."

Published: 12 Apr 2013

"Collaborating through Social Media to Create Health Awareness," Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences

Authors: Lapointe, Liette; Ramaprasad, Jui; Vedel, Isabelle

Publication: Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences


Published: 12 Apr 2013

"Moving closer to the fabric of organizing visions: The case of a trade show," Journal of Strategic Information Systems

Authors: de Vaujany, Fran莽ois Xavier; Carton, Sabine; Dominguez-P茅ry, Carine; Vaast, Emmanuelle

Publication: Journal of Strategic Information Systems, March 2013


Published: 4 Apr 2013


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