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Food and Agriculture in Taiwan: An Overview of History and Cultural Transformation

Thursday, April 22, 2021 19:30to21:00
Photo for Po yi_hung

Faculty Excellence in Taiwan Studies Lecture
Food and Agriculture in Taiwan: An Overview of History and Cultural Transformation

Speaker: Po-Yi Hung
Associate Professor, Dept. of Geography
National Taiwan University

The lecture will be hosted on Zoom
Zoom link:

Abstract of the Talk:

In Taiwan, agri-food system is substantially based on smallholdings. The changes that smallholders have been experiencing differ according to the time period. By addressing the historical trajectory of Taiwanese smallholders and reviewing their persistence, resistance, and transformations from the past to the present, Po-Yi Hung reconsiders the future prospects of Taiwanese smallholders and argues for the importance of looking beyond what seems to be a binary opposition between local food movements and conventional agriculture. On the one hand, the ageing and dwindling agricultural labour force in rural Taiwan serves to exacerbate the decline of the rural economy. On the other, younger smallholders have capitalized on their abilities to forge collective action to revitalize smallholdings.

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