AGENDA (9:00 - 10:00) How I See the World Presentation Saleem Razack, MD IHSE Faculty Member 聽 /ihseCategory:聽Academic seminars and lectures
Simulation Research Retreat...
RIME (Med Ed stream at the Association of American Medical Collages - AAMC Learn, Serve, Lead conference) and workshops and abstracts...
CAME Health Professions Education Grants Opportunities for funding: /ihseCategory:聽Academic grants and awards
AGENDA (9:00 - 10:00) Baijayanta Mukhopadyay, MD & Vivetha Thambinathan, PhD Anti-Racism in Graduate Medical Education: A Scoping Review/ihseCategory:聽Academic seminars and lectures
/ihseCategory:聽Academic conferences and symposia
Learn Serve Lead 2023: The AAMC Annual Meeting November 3-7, 2023, Seattle, WA /ihseCategory:聽Academic conferences and symposia