
May 24, 2011

Faculty of Science, Meeting of Faculty
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
3:00 p.m., Redpath Museum Auditorium

Faculty of Science End-of-Year Celebration
Redpath Museum Lobby - Immediately Following the Meeting

Adoption of Agenda

Agenda [.pdf]

Resolutions on Deaths of Former Faculty of Science Members

Resolution on the Death of Jal Choksi, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics & Statistics
- Prof. Niky Kamran, Department of Mathematics & Statistics
Resolution on the Death of Andreas P. Contogouris, Emeritus Professor of Physics
- Prof. Jean Barrette, Department of Physics
Resolution on the Death of Edward J. Stansbury, Emeritus Profesor of Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences
- Prof. John Gyakum, Department of Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences

Reports of Committees

a) Faculty of Science Excellence Award
- Prof. Doina Precup, Chair
b) Leo Yaffe Teaching Award
- Prof. Edith Zorychta, Chair

Candidates for Degrees - Director (Advising Services) Nicole Allard

a) Bachelor of Arts and Science - S-10-28 To be Tabled
b) Bachelor of Science - S-10-29 To be Tabled
c) Diploma in Environment - S-10-30 To be Tabled
d)Diploma in Meteorology - S-10-31 To be Tabled

Minutes of April 5, 2011


Business Arising from the Minutes

Reports of Committees (continued)

c) Committee on Student Standing - S-10-32 To be Tabled
d) Scholarships Committee - S-10-33 To be Tabled
e) Academic Committee - s-10-34 [.pdf]
Click here for Academic Committee Documents

Dean's Business

a) Dean's Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research List -
S-10-35 To be Tabled
b) Research Innovation and Commercialization
c)Fessenden Prizes and Professorships

Results of Science Election for Senate

s-10-36 [.pdf]

Report on Actions of Senate

  • Prof. R. Sieber: Senate Meeting of April 27, 2011
  • Prof. G. Dudek: Senate Meeting of May 18, 2011

Members' Question Period

Other Business

Faculty of Science End-of-Year Celebration
Redpath Museum - 1st Floor Lobby Immediately Following the Meeting

Academic Committee Documents

The Academic Committee held electronic meetings and approved the following on Tuesday, April 19, 2011 and Tuesday May 10, 2011

Minor Program Changes

Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences/Physics
  • Joint Major in Atmospheric Science and Physics - AC-10-67 [.pdf]

New Courses

(1) Physiology (2) Geography

Minor Course Changes (For Information Only)

(1) Psychology (2) Microbiology & Immunology
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