BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250313T051128EDT-8137Pvw9O2@ DTSTAMP:20250313T091128Z DESCRIPTION:Ian Gold (Dept. of Philosophy\, Dept. of Psychiatry) and聽Brenda n Johns (Dept. of Psychology)\n\nAsst. Prof. Johns will talk about the les sons from big data approaches to cognition. The cognitive sciences have be gun to collect\, collate\, and use large natural language corpora to under stand human behaviour. That effort is facilitated by impressive new machin e learning techniques and technologies. Prof. John's will present the trad ition and practice of big data within the history of cognitive science and consider the potential costs associated with an over-enthusiastic and unr eflective embrace of the new way. He will articulate the distinction betwe en big data and classic approaches within cognitive science research and p resent the power and promise of big data approaches to understanding the m ind using computational models of language processing.\n\nProf. Gold will talk about philosophy and the brain. In this talk\, Prof. Gold will do two things: first\, he will discuss the kinds of questions philosophers are a sking about neuroscience\; secondly\, he will offer an illustration of the ways in which neuroscience can contribute to philosophy and philosophy to neuroscience.\n\nWatch the recording of this presentation\n\n\nMini-Scien ce 2022: The Brain 鈥� Frontiers in Neuroscience\n\nExciting presentations b y some of 成人VR视频's leading neuroscientists about the brain\, the mind and the neuroscience of living as we now understand it. Find out how the brain and memory changes as we age\, or how the bilingual brain functions\, and how remarkably emotional our brains are.\n\nAll talks are in English.\n\n Discover the Mini-Science series\n DTSTART:20220406T230000Z DTEND:20220407T000000Z SUMMARY:Mini-Science public talk: Memory\, models and philosophy of the bra in URL:/science/channels/event/mini-science-public-talk-m emory-models-and-philosophy-brain-335981 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR