ARCH 379 Summer Course Abroad (3 credits)

Offered by: Architecture (Faculty of Engineering)


Architecture : Studies in-situ of key buildings, landscapes and urban settings; techniques of graphic documentations, analysis of physical configuration, constructional details and present use. Excursions to neighbouring sites of architectural interest.

Terms: Summer 2016

Instructors: Zuk, Radoslav; Castro, Ricardo L (Summer)

  • (0-0-9)

  • Prerequisite: ARCH 202 or permission of instructor

  • Restriction: Departmental permission required

  • Since this is a field course, the Victoria Day statutory holiday will not be taken into consideration. Therefore, students are expected to attend their lecture on Monday, May 19, 2014.

  • The fee for this field course is $1917, of which $625 is eligible to be reported on a T2202A. The fee covers students' and instructor lodging and instructor transportation costs.The fee also includes the printing of students' final work in the course.

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