ECSE 425 Computer Organization and Architecture (3 unités)

Offert par : Génie électr. et informatique (Génie et l'architecture)

Vue d'ensemble

Génie électrique : Trends in technology. CISC vs. RISC architectures. Pipelining. Instruction level parallelism. Data and Control Hazards. Static prediction. Exceptions. Dependencies. Loop level paralleism. Dynamic scheduling, branch prediction. Branch target buffers. Superscalar and N-issue machines. VLIW. ILP techniques. Cache analysis and design. Interleaved and virtual memory. TLB translations and caches.

Trimestres : Hiver 2016

Chargés de cours : Meyer, Brett (Winter)

  • (3-1-5)

  • Prerequisites: ECSE 322 and ECSE 323

  • Tutorials assigned by instructor.

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