PSYC 512 Advanced Personality Seminar (3 unités)

Offert par : Psychologie (Sciences)

Vue d'ensemble

Psychologie : Advanced topics in personality. Focus on power, status, and dominance and how these are manifested in social behavior. Dominance in nonhuman species, biological substrates of dominance, relations of status and dominance to social cognition, affect, and health; gender, role and cultural influences on dominance.

Trimestres : Ce cours n’est pas au programme de l’année universitaire 2015-2016.

Chargés de cours : Aucun professeur n’est associé à ce cours pour l’année universitaire 2015-2016.

  • Prerequisite: PSYC 332 or permission of instructor.

  • Restrictions: Open to psychology students. Enrolment limited. Students must be in U3 or above. Departmental permission required.

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