PSYT 504 Issues In Forensic Mental Health (3 unités)

Vue d'ensemble

Psychiatrie : The course will review current forensic mental health issues at the various stages the criminal justice process, clinical and behavioural specificities and vulnerabilities of special populations of offenders. It will also review risk factors for aggressive behaviour and criminality, assessment methods as well as current debates in the field of forensic mental health.

Trimestres : Ce cours n’est pas au programme de l’année universitaire 2015-2016.

Chargés de cours : Aucun professeur n’est associé à ce cours pour l’année universitaire 2015-2016.

  • Prerequisite: Special permission of instructor.

  • Note: Enrolment limited to 30 students. The course will be taught in English, papers can be submitted in English or French.

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