
Emeritus Professors



Bennett, Gary C.
Emeritus Professor
BA, BSc (Sir George Williams), PhD (成人VR视频)

Synthesis and trafficking of cellular glycoproteins.

Bergeron, John J.M.
Emeritus Professor
BSc (成人VR视频), DPhil (Oxford)

Proteomics of the secretory and endocytic pathways, protein folding, signal transduction.

Brawer, James R.
Emeritus Professor
BSc (Tufts), PhD (Harvard)

Medical teaching, differential effectiveness of whole-class and small-group teaching, role of the basic sciences (downward and upward vertical integration), impact of clinical context in MCQs.

Hermo, Louis
Emeritus Professor
PhD (成人VR视频l)

Structure and function of the male reproductive system with particular interest on the testis and epididymis.

Miller, Sandra C.
Emeritus Professor
BSc (Sir George Williams), PhD (成人VR视频)

Function and differentiation of cells in the immune system - in particular, the properties of natural killer (NK) cells. Methods and mechanisms of NK cell enhancement in cancer immunotherapy.

Osmond, Dennis G.
Emeritus Professor
CM, BSc, MB, ChB., DSc (Bristol), M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., F.R.S.C.

B lymphocyte development in bone marrow and its contribution to the immune system.

Warshawsky, Hershey
Emeritus Professor
BSc (Sir George Williams), PhD (成人VR视频)

Structure and renewal processes of tooth ameloblasts and odontoblasts and their matrix secretions.

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