Publications 2002

Academic staff

Chouinard, L.E. | Chu, V.H. | Gaskin, S.J. | Gehr, R. | Ghoshal, S. | McClure, G. | Mirza, M.S. | Mitchell, D. | Nguyen, V-T-V. | Nicell, J.A. | Rogers, C. | Selvadurai, A.P.S. | Shao, Y. | Shrivastava, S.C.


CHOUINARD, L.E. (Chouinard, L.E., Feknous, N. and Sabourin, G.) (2002) "Analysis of wind direction on the accumulation of glaze ice and its effect on design criteria of transmissions", International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures (IWAIS), Brno, Czech Republic, 10 pp.

(Chouinard, L.E., El-Fashny, K. and Sabourin, G.) (2002) "Analysis of combined wind and ice loads in Quebec for the design of transmission lines", International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures (IWAIS), Brno, Czech Republic, 10 pp.

(Rosset, P., de la Puente, A., Chouinard, L.E., Mitchell, D. and Adams, J.) (2002) "Seismic microzonation in urban areas: The use of ground ambient noise", Proceedings of Conference on Improving Post-Disaster Reconstruction in Developing Countries, May, Montreal, Quebec, 3 pp.

(Rosset, P., de la Puente, A., Chouinard, L.E., Mitchell, D. and Adams, J.) (2002) "Seismic response of soft soil in urban area: The case study of Montreal, Quebec, Canada", Seismological Research Letters, 73, Vol. 2, p. 257.

(Rosset, P., de la Puente, A., Chouinard, L.E., Mitchell, D. and Adams, J) (2002) "Site effect assessment at small scales in urban areas", A Tool for Preparedness and Mitigation, Electronic Book on the Internet of the Conference Improving Post-Disaster Reconstruction in Developing Countries, Montreal, Quebec, May, 12 pp.

See Mitchell, D.


CHU, V.H. (2002) "Turbulent transport processes across natural streams", American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Environmental Fluid Mechanics - Theories and Applications, Chapter 5, H. Shen, A.D. Cheng, K.H., Wang, M.H. Teng and C.C.K. Li, eds., pp. 127-167.

(Bouhairie, S.,and Chu, V.H.) (2002) "Heat circular cylinder in cross flow using several finite-difference schemes", Proceedings of the 15th American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Engineering Mechanical Division Conference, Columbia University, New York, USA, 8 pp.

(Chu, V.H., Altai, W.) (2002) "Gravity stratified flows by Lagrangian block method", Proceedings of the 15th American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Engineering Mechanical Division Conference, Columbia University, New York, USA, 8 pp.

(Nassiri, M., Babarutsi, S. and Chu, V.H.) (2002) "Simulation of horizontal turbulence in shallow re-circulating flows", Proceedings of the 15th American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Engineering Mechanical Division Conference, Columbia University, New York, USA, 8 pp.

(Chu, V.H. and Altai, W.) (2002) "Simulation of turbulence and gravity interfaces by Lagrangian block method", Computational Fluid Dynamics 2002, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Springer-Verlag, New York, USA, pp. 299-304.

(Bouhairie, S. and Chu, V.H.) (2002) "Flares of heat in the near wake of a circular cylinder in cross flow using a compact finite difference scheme", Computational Fluid Dynamics 2002, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Springer-Verlag, New York, USA, pp. 361-366.

(Altai, W. and Chu, V.H.) (2002) "Chaotic advection of tracer in a turbulent jet by Lagrangian block method", Computational Heat and Mass Transfer "CHMT" 2001, Vol. 11, E-Papers Publishing House Ltd. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, pp. 289-296.

(Bouhairie, S. and Chu, V.H.) (2002) "Flares of heat from the surface of a circular cylinder in a cross flow", Computational Heat and Mass Transfer "CHMT" 2001, Vol. 11, E-Papers Publishing House Ltd., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, pp. 297-304.


GASKIN, S.J. (Davidson, M.J., Gaskin, S.J. and Wood, I.R.) (2002) "A study of a buoy and axisymmetric jet in a small co-flow", Journal of Hydraulics Research, 40(4), pp. 477-489.

(Gaskin, S.J., Kemp, L. and Nicell, J.A.) (2002) "Lagrangian tracking of specified flow parcels in a shallow embayment using phosphorescent particles", Hydraulic Measurements and Experimental Methods Conference, CD-ROM, Session C6, EWRI & IAHR, Estes Park, Colorado, USA, July - August, pp. 1-9.

(Virjee, K. and Gaskin, S.J.) (2002) "A fuzzy cost-recovery criterion for sustainable rural water supply systems", Dubrovinik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Dubrovnik, Croatia, CD-ROM: Session: Sustainability assessment methods, pp. 21-30.

(Virjee, K. and Gaskin, S.J.) (2002) "Fuzzy linear regression and willingness to pay for water services", Proceedings of the First Annual Environmental & Water Resources Systems Analysis (EWRSA) Symposium (in conjunction with the Water 2002 EWRI Conference). CD-ROM: Session K10, Roanoke, Virginia, May, pp. 1-11.

See Nicell, J.


GEHR, R. (Wagner, M., Brumelis, D. and Gehr, R.) (2002) "Disinfection of wastewater by H2O2 or PAA", Development of Procedures for Measurement of Residual Disinfectant and Application to a Physico-chemically Treated Municipal Effluent, Water Environmental Residual Journal, Vol. 74, pp. 33-50.

(Gehr, R., Cochrane, D. and French, M.) (2002) "Peracetic Acid (PAA) as a disinfectant for municipal wastewaters: Encouraging performance results from physicochemical as well as biological effluents", Proceedings Disinfection 2002 Conference, Water Environment Federation, St. Petersburg, Florida, February, pp. 17-20.


GHOSHAL, S. (Hill, A. and Ghoshal, S.) (2002) "Surfactant solubilization of naphthalene and phenanathrene from nonaqueous phase liquids", Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 36, No. 18, pp. 3901-3907.

(Keane, A., Phoenix, P., Ghoshal, S. and Lau, P.C.K.) (2002) "Exposing culprit organic pollutants: A review", Journal of Microbiological Methods, Vol. 49, pp. 103-119.

(Keane, A., Phoenix, P., Lau, P.C.K. and Ghoshal, S.) (2002) "Assessing the bioavailability of organic contaminants using a novel bioluminescent biosensor", Proceedings of the 2002 Joint Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) International Conference on Environmental Engineering, Niagara Falls, Ontario, July, Paper No. 56.

(Alshafie, M. and Ghoshal, S.) (2002) "Effect of aging on mass transfer naphthalene from creosotes to water", Proceedings of the 2002 Joint Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) International Conference on Environmental Engineering, Niagara Falls, Ontario, July, Paper No. 47.

(Alshafie, M., Pasion, C., and Ghoshal, S.) (2002) "Effect of aging on dissolution of naphthalene from crude oil and creosote in contaminated soils", Contaminated Sediments, Paul T. Kostecki, Edward J. Calabrese, James Dragun, eds. v.7, chapter 2, pp. 11-17.


McCLURE, G. (Peabody, A.B. and McClure, G.) (2002) "Longitudinal design loads, A historical perspective", American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Speciality Conference: Electrical Transmission in a New Age, Omaha, Nebraska, September, 8 pp.

(McClure, G., Johns, K.C., Knoll, F. and Pichette, G.) (2002) "Lessons from the ice storm of 1998 — Improving the structural features of Hydro-Quebec's power grid", International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures IWAIS 2002, Brno, Czech Republic, June, 7 pp.

(Leblond, A., Gauthier, G., Gravel, S., Desbiens, R., Landry, D. and McClure, G.) (2002) "Field observations of atmospheric icing on a test distribution line at Mont Bélair (Québec)", International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures IWAIS 2002, Brno, Czech Republic, June, 5 pp.

(Peabody A.B., and McClure, G.) (2002) "Linking line security with atmospheric icing levels", International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures IWAIS 2002, Brno, Czech Republic, June, 5 pp.

(Bouamoul, A., Farzaneh, M., and McClure, G.) (2002) "Boundary element method application to ice shedding from overhead power line conductors by melting process", International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures IWAIS 2002, Brno, Czech Republic, June, 5 pp.

(Peabody A.B., and McClure, G.) (2002) "Load limiters for overhead lines", Proceedings of the Canadain Society for Civil Engineering Fourth Specialty Conference on Structures, CSCE Annual Conference, Paper No. ST-141, Montreal, Quebec, June.

(McClure, G. and Lapointe, M.) (2002) "Computing electric power line response to exceptional dynamic loads", The Ninth International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, April, pp. 345-348.


MIRZA, M.S. (Mirza, J., Mirza, M.S., Roy, V. and Saleh, K.) (2002) "Basic theological and mechanical properties of high-volume fly ash grouts", Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier Science Ltd., Vol. 16, pp. 353-363.

(Mirza, J., Mirza, M.S. and Lapointe, R.) (2002) "Laboratory and field performance of polymer-modified cement-based repair mortars in cold climates", Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier Science Ltd., Vol. 16, pp. 365-374.

(Amleh, L., Lounis, Z. and Mirza, M.S.) (2002) "Assessment of corrosion-damaged concrete bridge decks- a case study", Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Short and Medium Span Bridges, CSCE Publication, Vancouver, British Columbia, July, pp. 837-844.

(Amleh, L., Mirza, M.S. and Ahwazi, B.B.) (2002) "Effect of fly ash in concrete mix on bond between steel and concrete", Proceedings of the International Congress on Challenges of Concrete Construction, University of Dundee, Dundee, Scotland, United Kingdom, September, pp. 247-256.

(Amleh, L. and Mirza, M.S.) (2002) "Durability field investigation of an abandoned bridge", Proceedings of the International Congress on Challenges of Concrete Construction, University of Dundee, Dundee, Scotland, United Kingdom, September, pp. 617-626.

(Amleh, L. and Mirza, M.S.) (2002) "Effect of concrete w/c ratio and corrosion in concrete mix on bond between steel and concrete", Proceedings of the International Symposium on Bond in Concrete — from Research to Standards, Publication of CEB-FIP, ACI and JCI, Budapest, Hungary, November, pp. 285-292.

(Mirza, M.S. and Amleh, L.) (2002) "Towards a report card for Canada's infrastructure", The Canadian Civil Engineer, Special Publication on Asset Management and Engineering, December 2002 - January 2003, 8 pp.

(Mirza, M.S. and Amleh, L.) (2002) "Vulnerability and protection of our infrastructure", The Canadian Civil Engineer, Special Publication on Asset Management and Engineering, December 2002 - January 2003, 24 pp.

(Mirza, M.S. and Amleh, L.) (2002) "Financing of Infrastructure", Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Montreal, Quebec, Abstract G-59, CD-ROM, Paper No. GE-121.

(Mirza, M.S. and Amleh, L.) (2002) "Sustainable infrastructure and civil engineering education", Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Montreal, Quebec, Abstract G-60, CD-ROM, Paper No. GE-122, June, 7 pp.

(Mirza, M.S. and Amleh, L.) (2002) "Vulnerability and protection of Canada's infrastructure", Proceedings of Infra 2002-8th Edition, Semaine des infrastructure urbaines, CD-ROM pp. 1-31.

(Mirza, M.S. and Lounis, Z.) (2002) "Design of bridges for safety, durability and reliability", Canada-Taiwan International Workshop on Bridges, Ottawa, Ontario, September, Workshop Proceedings, Public Works and Government Services,Ìý Canada, pp. 8-1-1 to 8-1-25.

"Design of Concrete Infrastructure for durability against corrosion", Canada-Taiwan International Workshop on Bridges, Ottawa, Canada, September, Workshop Proceedings, Public Works and Government Services, Canada, pp. 8-2-1 to 8-2-42.

(Marcous, G., Lounis, Z. and Mirza, M.S.) (2002) "Life cycle assessment of highway bridges", Taiwan-Canada International Workshop on Bridges, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China, April, pp. 61-82.

(Mirza, M.S. and Amleh, L.) (2002) "Condition assessment of concrete structures", Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Developments in Repair Materials, Techniques and Maintenance Strategic for Infrastructure and Buildings, Toronto, Ontario, Publication, April, pp. 197-214.


MITCHELL, D. (2002) "Aspects of seismic evaluation and retrofit of Canadian Bridges", Proceedings of Behavior and Design of Concrete Structures for Seismic Performance, American Concrete Institute Special Publication SP-197, April, pp. 169-189.

(Mitchell, D., Cook, W.D., Uribe, C.M. and Alcocer, S.M.) (2002) "Experimental verification of strut-and-tie models, American Concrete Institute Special Publication SP-208", Examples for the Design of Structural Concrete with Strut-and-Tie Models, ACI International, October, pp. 41-62.

(Tremblay, R. and Mitchell, D.) (2002) "Élements techniques liés à l'effondrement du Boulevard du Souvenir", Recueil des Comunications, 9e Colloque sur la Progression de la Recherche Québecoise sur les Ouvrages d'Art, Québec, May, pp. 10-1-10-9.

(Mitchell, D., and Paultre, P.) (2002) "Experiments on seismic response of high-strength concrete members", Proceedings of Fourth Structural Specialty Conference, Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Montreal, Quebec, June, CD-ROM, Paper ST-076, 10 pp.

(Paultre, P. and Mitchell, D.) (2002) "Seismic response of high-strength concrete members", Proceedings of Sixth International Symposium on Utilization of High Strength/High Performance Concrete, Leipzig, Germany, June, pp. 457-471.

See Chouinard, L.E.


NGUYEN, V.T.V. (2002) "On modelling of extreme hydrologic processes", International Workshop on Non-Structural Measures for Water Management Problems, London, Ontario, October, UNESCO IHP-V Technical Documents in Hydrology, No. 56, pp. 167-180.

(Nguyen, V.T.V., Peyron, N. and Rivard, G.) (2002) "On selection of an optimal design storm pattern for urban runoff estimation: A Systematic Assessment Procedure", International Conference on Urban Hydrology for the 21st Century, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, October, 17 pp.

(Nguyen, V.T.V., Peyron, N. and Rivard, G.) (2002) "Rainfall temporal patterns for urban drainage design in South Quebec", Ninth International Conference on Urban Drainage, Portland, Oregon, September, 16 pp.

(Nguyen, V.T.V., Tao, D. and Bourque, A.) (2002) "On selection of probability distributions for representing annual extreme rainfall series", Ninth International Conference on Urban Drainage, Portland, Oregon, September, 10 pp.

(Nguyen, V.T.V., Han, S-Y. and Nagabayashi, H.) (2002) "On stochastic modelling of rainfall processes", Thirteenth Asia and Pacific Division Congress of International Association of Hydraulic Engineering Research, August, Singapore, Asia, in Advances in Hydraulics and Water Engineering, Guo, J.J.,ed., World Scientific Publisher, Vol. 2, pp. 661-666.

(Nagabayashi, H., Fufita, Y., Ogawa, Y. and Nguyen, V.T.V.) (2002) "Simulated analysis of water quality transition in Sulfuric-Acid Lake", Thirteenth Asia and Pacific Division Congress of International Association of Hydraulic Engineering Research, August, Singapore, Asia, in Advances in Hydraulics and Water Engineering, Guo, J.J., ed., World Scientific Publisher, Vol. 2, pp. 931-935.

(Ogawa, Y., Nagabayashi, H. and Nguyen, V.T.V.) (2002) "Relation between pollution load and the long-term metabolism in a mountainous lake", Thirteenth Asia and Pacific Division Congress of International Association of Hydraulic Engineering Research, August, Singapore, Asia, in Advances in Hydraulics and Water Engineering, Guo, J.J., ed., World Scientific Publisher, Vol. 2, pp. 1009-1014.

(Tao, D., Nguyen, V.T.V., Tao, D. and Bourque, A.) (2002) "On selection of probability distributions for representing extreme precipitation in southern Quebec", The 30th Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Montreal, Quebec, June, 8 pp.

(Peyron, N. Nguyen, V.T.V. and Rivard, G.) (2002) "An optimal design storm pattern for urban runoff estimation in southern Quebec", The 30th Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Montreal, Quebec, June, 8 pp.


NICELL, J.A. (Nalli, S., Cooper, D.G. and Nicell, J.A.) (2002) "Biodegradation of plasticizers by Rhodococcus fhodochrous", Biodegradation, Vol. 13: 343-352.

(Wagner, M. and Nicell, J.A.) (2002) "Detoxification of phenolic solutions with horseradish peroxidase and hydrogen peroxide", Water Research, 36: 16, pp. 4041-4052.

(Wagner, M. and Nicell, J.A.) (2002) "Impact of dissolved wastewater constituents on peroxidase-catalyzed treatment of phenol", Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 77 pp., pp. 419-428.

(Nicell, J.A., Henshaw, P. and Sikdar, A.) (2002) "A new method for odour impact assessment based on spatial and temporal analyses of community response", Proceedings of 2002 Joint CSCE-EWRI International Conference on Environmental Engineering, Niagara Falls, Ontario, July, CD-ROM.

See Gaskin, S.


ROGERS, C.A. (Hancock, G.J. Rogers, C.A., Yang, D.) (2002) "The behaviour of high strength G550 steel sections as used in residential construction", The Second International Symposium on Steel Structures, Seoul, Korea, pp. 157-168.

(Zhao, Y. and Rogers, C.A.) (2002) "Preliminary R-values for seismic design stud shear walls", The 16th International Specialty Conference on Cold-Formed Steel Structures, Orlando, Florida, pp. 468-482.

(Peuler, M., Rogers, C.A. and Tremblay, R.) (2002) "Inelastic response of arc-spot welded deck-to-frame connections for steel roof deck diaphragms", The 16th International Conference on Cold-Formed Steel Structures, Orlando, Florida, pp. 763-778.

(Tremblay, R., Rogers, C.A. Gignac, P. and Degrange, G.) (2002) "Variables affecting the shear-bond resistance of composite floor deck systems", The 16th International Specialty Conference on Cold-Formed Steel Structures, Orlando, Florida, pp. 663-676.

(Essa, H.S., Tremblay, R and Rogers, C.A.) (2002) "Inelastic seismic response of metal roof deck diaphragms for steel building structures", The 12th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, London, UK, Paper No. 482.

(Tremblay, R and Rogers, C.A. and Nedisan, C.) (2002) "Use of uniform hazard spectrum and computed period in the seismic design of single-story steel structures", The Seventh US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Boston, Massachusetts, Paper No. 195.

(Tremblay, R and Rogers, C.A., Essa, H.S. and Martin, E.) (2002) "Dissipating seismic input energy in low-rise steel buildings through inelastic deformation in the metal roof diaphragm", The Proceedings of the Fourth Structural Specialty Conference, Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Montreal, Quebec, Paper No. ST-129.


SELVADURAI, A.P.S. (2002) "Influence of pressurized water influx on the hygro-thermal behaviour of an engineered clay barrier in a waste emplacement borehole", Journal of Engineering Geology, 64: pp. 157-178.

"Advective transport of a chemical from a cavity in a porous medium", Journal of Computers and Geotechnics, 29: pp. 525-546.

"Mechanics of a rigid circular disc bonded to a cracked elastic halfspace", International Journal of Solids and Structures, 39: pp. 6035-6053.

(Selvadurai, A.P.S., Willner, K. and Gaul, L.) (2002) "A receding contact problem in elastostatics", Applied Mechanics in the Americas - Proceedings of the Seventh Pan America Congress in Applied Mechanics, (P. Kittl, G. Diaz, D. Mook and J. Geer, eds., AAM, Phil.), Temuco, Chile, pp. 117-120.

"A generalized Kelvin's solution for a bimaterial elastic solid with a flexural interface", Applied Mechanics in the Americas - Proceedings of the Seventh Pan American Congress in Applied Mechanics,Ìý (P. Kittl, G. Diaz, D. Mook and J. Geer, eds., AAM, Phil.), Temuco, Chile, pp. 205-208.

(Hanss, M. and Selvadurai, A.P.S.) (2002) "Influence of fuzzy variability on the estimation of hydraulic conductivity properties of transversely isotropic geomaterials", NUMOG VIII, Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Numerical Models in Geomechanics, Rome, G.N. Pande and S. Pietruszczak, eds., A.A. Balkema, The Netherlands, pp. 675-680.

"Some remarks on the elastic drive equation - Environmental Geomechanics", Proceedings of the International Workshop on Environmental Geomechanics, Monte Verita, Ascona , L. Vulliet, L. Laloui and B.A. Schrefler, eds. EPFL Press, Lausanne, Switzerland, pp. 253-258.

"Certain analytical solutions for advective transport in a porous medium - Environmental Geomechanic", Proceedings of the International Workshop on Environmental Geomechanics, Monte Verita, Ascona, L. Vulliet, L. Laloui and B.A Schrefler, eds., EPFL Press, Lausanne, Switzerland, pp. 69-82.

"Weakly coupled problems in environmental geomechanics: Computational aspects and analytical constraints", Proceedings of the Fourth Greek Association of Computational Mechanics "GRACM" Congress on Computational Mechanics, University of Patras, Patras, Greece, CD-ROM.

(Shirazi, A. and Selvadurai, A.P.S.) (2002) "Indentation of a poroelastic halfspace susceptible to damage", Proceedings of the Canadian Conference in Civil Engineering, Montreal, Quebec, Paper No. GES 020, 10 pp.

(Selvadurai, A.P.S., Yu, Q. and El Hindy, E.) (2002) "Transfer of shear loads at a fracture: Influence of profile, contact friction and separation at compatible surfaces", Proceedings of the Canadian Conference in Civil Engineering, Paper No. GES 022, 10 pp.

(Lebel, G. and Selvadurai, A.P.S.) (2002) "The use of GIS in the monitoring of the hgydrogeological regime: A case study involving the downtown core of the City of Montreal", Proceedings of the Canadian Conference in Civil Engineering, Paper No. GES 021, 9 pp.

(Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Shirazi, A.) (2002) "Pressure decay in a fluid inclusion in a damage sensitive poroelastic solid, Poromechanics II", Proceedings of the 2nd Biot Conference in Poromechanics, (J.-L. Auriault, C. Geindreau, P. Royer, J.-F. Bloch, C. Boutin and J. Lewandowska, eds.) Grenoble, France, A.A. Balkema, pp. 933-939.


SHAO, Y. (Shao, Y. and Kouadio, S.) (2002) "Durability of fiberglass composite sheet piles in water", American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Journal of Composites for Construction, November, pp. 280-287.

(Shao, Y., Moras, S.) (2002) "Strength, toughness and durability of extruded cement boards with unbleached kraft pulp", American Concrete Institute Special Publication 206, Concrete: Material Science to Application, A Tribute to Surendra P. Shah, Balaguru, P., ed., pp. 439-452.

(Shi, C., Wu, Y., Shao, Y., and Riefler, M.) (2002) "Comparison of two design approaches for self compacted concrete", The Proceedings of the First North American Conference on the Design and Use of Self-Consolidating Concrete, Center for Advanced Cement Based Materials, Chicago, Illinois, November, CD-ROM.

(Shao, Y., Giroux, C. and Bdeir, Z.) (2002) "Determination of El for pultruded GFRP sheet pile panels", ICCI-02, Third International Conference on Composites in Infrastructure, June, San Francisco, California, CD-ROM, Paper 44.

(Shao, Y. and Qiu, J.) (2002) "The role of polymer additives in extrusion of fiber-cement composites", Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Montreal, Quebec, June, CD-ROM, MA-007.

(Shi, C. and Shao, Y.) (2002) "What is the most efficient way to activate the reactivity of fly ash?" Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Montreal, Quebec, June, CD-ROM, MA-034.

(Shao, Y. and Kouadio, S.) (2002) "Water absorption of FRP seawall panels", Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Durability of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites for Construction, May, Montreal, Quebec, pp. 587-596.


SHRIVASTAVA, S.C. (2002) "Bifurcation buckling of spherical sandwich shells under external pressure in plastic range", New Approaches to Structural Mechanics, Shells and Biological Structures, H.R. Drew and S. Pellegrino, eds., Elsevier Academic Publishers, pp. 379-391.

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