Note: only the Phase II dissertations and theses are included.
Phase II PhDs 1995 - 2002
SALEH, Fauzan | The Development of Islamic theological discourse in Indonesia: a critical survey of Muslim reformists attempts to sustain orthodoxy in the 20th century | Howard Federspiel |
RAHMAN, Yusuf | The Hermeneutical Theory of Nasri Hamid Abu Zayd: An Analytical Study of His Method of Interpretation | Issa Boullata |
WAHYUDI, Yudian | The Call: Back to the Qur'an and the Sunna": A Comparative Study of the Resources of Hasan Hanfi, Muhammad 'Abid al-Jabiri, and Nurcholish madjid | Howard Federspiel and Uner Turgay |
Phase II Masters degrees 1995 - 2000
AMIRUDDIN, Andi Muhammad AliUjung Pandang | Ibn Hajar Al-'Asqalani on Tajrih and Ta'dil of Hadith transmitters. A Study of His Tahdhib Al-Tahdhib | Dr Eric Ormsby |
ANWAR, EtinBandung | Ibn Sina and Mysticism: a Reconsideration | Prof Hermann Landolt |
ASYARI, Su'aidiJambi | The Role of Muslim Groups in Contemporary Indonesian Nationalism: Nahdatul Ulama Under the New Order (1980's-1990's) | Prof Howard Federspiel Prof A. 鈥爊er Turgay |
BATUBARA, ChuzaimahMedan | Islam and Mystical Movements in Post-Independence Indonesia: Susila Budhi Darma (Subud) and its Doctrines | Prof Howard Federspiel Prof Hermann Landolt |
FUAD, Ahmad NurSurabaya | The Babi Movement in Iran: From Religious Dissent to Political Revolt, 1844 - 1853 | Prof Todd Lawson |
HILMY, MasdarSurabaya | Islam and Javanese Cultural Acculturation: A Religio-anthropological Study of the Slametan Ritual | Prof Howard Federspiel Prof A. 鈥爊er Turgay |
HUSEIN, FatimahYogyakarta | Fazlur Rahman's Islamic Philosophy | Prof Todd Lawson |
HUSNI, DardiriPekanbaru | Jong Islamieten Bond: a study of a Muslim Youth Movement in Indonesia during the Dutch Colonial Era, 1924-1942 | Prof Howard Federspiel |
ISKANDAR, ArnelPekanbaru | The Concept of Perfect Man in the Thought of Ibn 'Arabi and Iqbal: a Contemporary Study | Prof Todd Lawson |
JAFAR, IftitahUjung Pandang | Modern Qur'anic Exegesis: a Comparative Study of the Methods of Muhammad 'Abduh and Muhammad Rashid Rida | Prof Issa Boullata |
JAHAR. Asep SaepudinJakarta | Abu Isaq Al-Shatibi's Reformulation of the Concept of Bid'a: A Study of his al-I'Tisam | Prof Wael Hallaq |
KAFRAWI, ShalahudinBandung | Fakhr al-Din al-Razi's Methodology in Interpreting the Qur'an | Prof Issa J. Boullata |
KHULUK, LathifulYogyakarta | K. H. Hasyim Asy 'ari's Religious and Political Thought in the Perspective of Religious Reform and Nationalism in Indonesia during the 20 th Century | Prof Howard Federspiel |
KUSMANA, Jakarta | Shafi'i's Theory of Naskh and his Influence on Ulum Al-Qur'an | Dr Wael Hallaq |
LUKITO, RatnoYougyakarta | Islamic Law and Adat Encounter: The Experience of Indonesia | Prof Wael Hallaq |
MAKIN, AlYogyakarta | Mohamad Roem's Political Activities and his Vision of an Islamic Political Party and State | Prof Howard Federspiel Prof A. 鈥爊er Turgay |
MAKIN, AlYogyakarta | Modern Exegesis on Historical Narratives of the Qur'an: The Case of the 'Ad, and the Thamud, according to Sayyid Qutb in his Fi Zilal al-Qur'an | Dr Issa J. Boullata |
MARDATILLAH, FuadiBanda Aceh | The Intellectual Responses to the Establishment of Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals(ICMI) during 1990-1995 | Prof Howard Federspiel |
MAWARDI, Ahmad ImamSurabaya | Socio-Political Background of the Enactment of Kompilasi Hukum Islam di Indonesia | Prof Howard Federspiel |
MELAYU, Hasnul ArifinBanda Aceh | Islam and Politics in the Thought of Tjokroaminoto (1882-1934) | Dr Howard Federspiel Dr A. 鈥爊er Turgay |
MUJIBURRAHMAN, Banjarnasin | Non-Thesis MA, Religious Studies | N/A |
MULUK, SafrulBanda Aceh | The Indonesian Army and Islam: A Political Encounter | Prof A. 鈥爊er Turgay |
MUNIR, Bandung | Non-Thesis MA, Religious Studies | N/A |
MUTHMAINNAH, InnaBanjarmasin | Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir Ibn Abbas: the Principles of its Interpretation | Prof Issa J. Boullata |
NURASIAH, FMedan | Muhyi al-Din Ibn al-Arabi's Views on Shari'ah: A Preliminary Study of the Legal Element in His Writings | Prof Wael Hallaq |
NURBAETHY, AndiUjung Pandang | Development of al-Ghazali's Concept of the Knowledge of God in his Three Later Works: Ihya, al-Munquidh, and Iljam al-Awamm | Prof Eric Ormsby |
NURYATNO, Muhammad AgusYogyakarta | Asghar Ali Engineer's Thought on Liberation Theology, and Women's Issues: an Analysis | Dr Sajida Alvi |
RAHMA, AwaliaYogyakarta | : Sufi Order and the Resistance Movement: The Sanusiya of Libya in 1911-1932 | Dr Eric Ormsby |
RINDWAN, ZainYogyakarta | Non-Thesis MA, Religious Studies | N/A |
RO'FAHJakarta | Women and the Muhammadiyah Movement: A Case Study of Aisyiyah, an Indonesian Women's Organization | Dr Sajida S. Alvi |
ROPI, IsmatuJakarta | Muslim Responses to Christianity in Modern Indonesia | Prof A. 鈥爊er Turgay |
SAYUTI, NajmahPadang | The Concept of Allah as the Highest God in Pre-Islamic Arabia (A Study of Pre-Islamic Arabic Religious Poetry) | Dr Eric Ormsby |
SUGIONO, SukiatiMedan | Islamic Legal Reform in Twentieth Century Indonesia: A Study of Hazairin's Thought | Prof Howard Federspiel Prof Wael Hallaq |
SYAHNAN, MohamadMedan | A Study of Sayyid Qutb's Quran Exegesis in Earlier and Later Editions of his Fi Zilal Al-Quran with Specific Reference to Selected Themes | Prof Issa Boullata |
SYAMSIYATUN, SitiYogyakarta | Al-Shahranstani and the Shi'i Doctrine of Imama: An Analysis of the Views Expressed in his al-Milal wa al-Hihal and Nihayat al-Iqdam fi 'Ilm al-Kalam | Prof Eric Ormsby |
SYAMSUDDIN, SahironYogyakarta | An Examination of Bint al-Shati"s Method of Interpreting the Qur'an | Prof Issa J. Boullata |
SYA'RONI, MizanSemarang | The Majlisul Islamil A'la Indonesia (MIAI): Its Socio-religious and Political Activities, 1937-1943 | Prof A. 鈥爊er Turgay |
THOYIB, RuswanSemarang | Colonial Experience and Muslim Education Reforms: a Comparison of the Aligarth and Muhammadiyah Movements | Prof Sajida Alvi |
WAGIMAN, SuprayetnoMedan | Modernization of the Pesantern's Educational System in Attempting to Meet the Needs of the Indonesian Community | Prof Howard Federspiel |
WAHYUDI, JarotYogyakarta | Ahl al-Kitab in the Qur'an; an Analysis of Selected Classical and Modern Exegesis | Prof Issa Boullata |
YUNINGSIH, Yeni RatnaJakarta | The Mystical Element in Mikha'il Nu'aymah's Literary Works and its Affinity to Islamic Mysticism | Dr Hermann Landolt |
ZAINI, AchmadSurayaba | K. H. Abdul Wahid Hasyim: His Contribution to Muslim Educational Reform and to Indonesian Nationalism during the Twentieth Century | Prof Howard Federspiel |