
Theses and dissertations

Note: only the Phase II dissertations and theses are included.

Phase II PhDs 1995 - 2002




SALEH, Fauzan The Development of Islamic theological discourse in Indonesia: a critical survey of Muslim reformists attempts to sustain orthodoxy in the 20th century Howard Federspiel
RAHMAN, Yusuf The Hermeneutical Theory of Nasri Hamid Abu Zayd: An Analytical Study of His Method of Interpretation Issa Boullata
WAHYUDI, Yudian The Call: Back to the Qur'an and the Sunna": A Comparative Study of the Resources of Hasan Hanfi, Muhammad 'Abid al-Jabiri, and Nurcholish madjid Howard Federspiel and Uner Turgay

Phase II Masters degrees 1995 - 2000




AMIRUDDIN, Andi Muhammad AliUjung Pandang Ibn Hajar Al-'Asqalani on Tajrih and Ta'dil of Hadith transmitters. A Study of His Tahdhib Al-Tahdhib Dr Eric Ormsby
ANWAR, EtinBandung Ibn Sina and Mysticism: a Reconsideration Prof Hermann Landolt
ASYARI, Su'aidiJambi The Role of Muslim Groups in Contemporary Indonesian Nationalism: Nahdatul Ulama Under the New Order (1980's-1990's) Prof Howard Federspiel
Prof A. 鈥爊er Turgay
BATUBARA, ChuzaimahMedan Islam and Mystical Movements in Post-Independence Indonesia: Susila Budhi Darma (Subud) and its Doctrines Prof Howard Federspiel
Prof Hermann Landolt
FUAD, Ahmad NurSurabaya The Babi Movement in Iran: From Religious Dissent to Political Revolt, 1844 - 1853 Prof Todd Lawson
HILMY, MasdarSurabaya Islam and Javanese Cultural Acculturation: A Religio-anthropological Study of the Slametan Ritual Prof Howard Federspiel
Prof A. 鈥爊er Turgay
HUSEIN, FatimahYogyakarta Fazlur Rahman's Islamic Philosophy Prof Todd Lawson
HUSNI, DardiriPekanbaru Jong Islamieten Bond: a study of a Muslim Youth Movement in Indonesia during the Dutch Colonial Era, 1924-1942 Prof Howard Federspiel
ISKANDAR, ArnelPekanbaru The Concept of Perfect Man in the Thought of Ibn 'Arabi and Iqbal: a Contemporary Study Prof Todd Lawson
JAFAR, IftitahUjung Pandang Modern Qur'anic Exegesis: a Comparative Study of the Methods of Muhammad 'Abduh and Muhammad Rashid Rida Prof Issa Boullata
JAHAR. Asep SaepudinJakarta Abu Isaq Al-Shatibi's Reformulation of the Concept of Bid'a: A Study of his al-I'Tisam Prof Wael Hallaq
KAFRAWI, ShalahudinBandung Fakhr al-Din al-Razi's Methodology in Interpreting the Qur'an Prof Issa J. Boullata
KHULUK, LathifulYogyakarta K. H. Hasyim Asy 'ari's Religious and Political Thought in the Perspective of Religious Reform and Nationalism in Indonesia during the 20 th Century Prof Howard Federspiel
KUSMANA, Jakarta Shafi'i's Theory of Naskh and his Influence on Ulum Al-Qur'an Dr Wael Hallaq
LUKITO, RatnoYougyakarta Islamic Law and Adat Encounter: The Experience of Indonesia Prof Wael Hallaq
MAKIN, AlYogyakarta Mohamad Roem's Political Activities and his Vision of an Islamic Political Party and State Prof Howard Federspiel
Prof A. 鈥爊er Turgay
MAKIN, AlYogyakarta Modern Exegesis on Historical Narratives of the Qur'an: The Case of the 'Ad, and the Thamud, according to Sayyid Qutb in his Fi Zilal al-Qur'an Dr Issa J. Boullata
MARDATILLAH, FuadiBanda Aceh The Intellectual Responses to the Establishment of Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals(ICMI) during 1990-1995 Prof Howard Federspiel
MAWARDI, Ahmad ImamSurabaya Socio-Political Background of the Enactment of Kompilasi Hukum Islam di Indonesia Prof Howard Federspiel
MELAYU, Hasnul ArifinBanda Aceh Islam and Politics in the Thought of Tjokroaminoto (1882-1934) Dr Howard Federspiel
Dr A. 鈥爊er Turgay
MUJIBURRAHMAN, Banjarnasin Non-Thesis MA, Religious Studies N/A
MULUK, SafrulBanda Aceh The Indonesian Army and Islam: A Political Encounter Prof A. 鈥爊er Turgay
MUNIR, Bandung Non-Thesis MA, Religious Studies N/A
MUTHMAINNAH, InnaBanjarmasin Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir Ibn Abbas: the Principles of its Interpretation Prof Issa J. Boullata
NURASIAH, FMedan Muhyi al-Din Ibn al-Arabi's Views on Shari'ah: A Preliminary Study of the Legal Element in His Writings Prof Wael Hallaq
NURBAETHY, AndiUjung Pandang Development of al-Ghazali's Concept of the Knowledge of God in his Three Later Works: Ihya, al-Munquidh, and Iljam al-Awamm Prof Eric Ormsby
NURYATNO, Muhammad AgusYogyakarta Asghar Ali Engineer's Thought on Liberation Theology, and Women's Issues: an Analysis Dr Sajida Alvi
RAHMA, AwaliaYogyakarta : Sufi Order and the Resistance Movement: The Sanusiya of Libya in 1911-1932 Dr Eric Ormsby
RINDWAN, ZainYogyakarta Non-Thesis MA, Religious Studies N/A
RO'FAHJakarta Women and the Muhammadiyah Movement: A Case Study of Aisyiyah, an Indonesian Women's Organization Dr Sajida S. Alvi
ROPI, IsmatuJakarta Muslim Responses to Christianity in Modern Indonesia Prof A. 鈥爊er Turgay
SAYUTI, NajmahPadang The Concept of Allah as the Highest God in Pre-Islamic Arabia (A Study of Pre-Islamic Arabic Religious Poetry) Dr Eric Ormsby
SUGIONO, SukiatiMedan Islamic Legal Reform in Twentieth Century Indonesia: A Study of Hazairin's Thought Prof Howard Federspiel
Prof Wael Hallaq
SYAHNAN, MohamadMedan A Study of Sayyid Qutb's Quran Exegesis in Earlier and Later Editions of his Fi Zilal Al-Quran with Specific Reference to Selected Themes Prof Issa Boullata
SYAMSIYATUN, SitiYogyakarta Al-Shahranstani and the Shi'i Doctrine of Imama: An Analysis of the Views Expressed in his al-Milal wa al-Hihal and Nihayat al-Iqdam fi 'Ilm al-Kalam Prof Eric Ormsby
SYAMSUDDIN, SahironYogyakarta An Examination of Bint al-Shati"s Method of Interpreting the Qur'an Prof Issa J. Boullata
SYA'RONI, MizanSemarang The Majlisul Islamil A'la Indonesia (MIAI): Its Socio-religious and Political Activities, 1937-1943 Prof A. 鈥爊er Turgay
THOYIB, RuswanSemarang Colonial Experience and Muslim Education Reforms: a Comparison of the Aligarth and Muhammadiyah Movements Prof Sajida Alvi
WAGIMAN, SuprayetnoMedan Modernization of the Pesantern's Educational System in Attempting to Meet the Needs of the Indonesian Community Prof Howard Federspiel
WAHYUDI, JarotYogyakarta Ahl al-Kitab in the Qur'an; an Analysis of Selected Classical and Modern Exegesis Prof Issa Boullata
YUNINGSIH, Yeni RatnaJakarta The Mystical Element in Mikha'il Nu'aymah's Literary Works and its Affinity to Islamic Mysticism Dr Hermann Landolt
ZAINI, AchmadSurayaba K. H. Abdul Wahid Hasyim: His Contribution to Muslim Educational Reform and to Indonesian Nationalism during the Twentieth Century Prof Howard Federspiel
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