
Stipend for trainees

Clerks and residents registered in a Faculty of Medicine in Qu茅bec may be eligible for financial support for lodging and transportation to their training sites in Quebec as long as the host site is located at more than 50 km from their home-based site and that the rotation or elective is more than 3 weeks for students and 4 weeks for residents.

There are two sources of funding:

  • Programme de formation m茅dicale d茅centralis茅e (PFMD) from the Minist猫re de la sant茅 et des services sociaux (MSSS)
  • F茅d茅ration des m茅decins r茅sidents du Qu茅bec (FMRQ) (residents only)


All clerks doing rotations/electives in any disciplines have access to this funding.

The residents registered in the following programs are eligible.

  • Anesthesia
  • General Surgery
  • Family Medicine
  • Internal Medicine
  • Obstetrics-Gynecology
  • Pediatrics
  • Psychiatry

Amounts that can be claimed

Consult the trainee Funding Criteria page.

Payment to trainees

It is preferable to pay the trainees before the end of the rotation. If internal administrative procedures do not allow you to process the payment before the end of the rotation, it is important that the cheque be sent within a reasonable timeframe (within 6-8 weeks).


Residents performing a 28-day rotation (or听elective) period located at least 50 km from their place of residence may get funding. Please contact the FMRQ form more information.

1 Ministry of Health and Social Services

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