
Winterfest: Join the Volunteer Squad

To the Success of Winterfest!

Organizer Scott Pemberton is looking for help to hold the Carnival on Saturday, February 1, from 12 to 4 pm. The event will include activities for children of all ages including tobogganing and a snow sculpture contest, food and TAFFY! They are back this year: the Macdonald Campus Lumberjacks and jills team will offer thrilling demonstrations of their skills.

Here are some of the jobs we need help with:

  • Serving drinks, hot chocolate and baked goods
  • Helping keep parking organized and safe
  • Snow sculpture contest sign ups and judging
  • Welcome tent and general information to visitors
  • Cooking hot dogs and sausages
  • Providing baked goodies for the event
  • Assisting the dog sledding team

Volunteer help is required for the duration of the event (12pm-4pm) but if you can only make it for a couple of hours you are still welcome. The more help the better! Alternatively, you may also prepare and deliver baked goods in advance for us to sell during the event. The goodies are always much appreciated. Volunteers get a free lunch.

If you are interested in contributing your time or baking skills, please contact organizer Scott Pemberton: 514-398-7811 or scott.pemberton [at] mail.mcgill.ca

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