鈥淎诲惫颈蝉辞谤鈥, so identified, means a Member of the University Community, or a local union representative, who has agreed to act in an advisory capacity. Advisors are not paid for their services.
鈥淎蝉蝉别蝉蝉辞谤鈥 means a person responsible, accordance with this Policy, to investigate Reports. An Assessor is normally an employee of the University who works within the OMR. The University may, when it deems necessary, refer a Report made under this Policy to an Assessor external to the University who has the necessary skills to conduct a competent, fair investigation under this Policy.
鈥凄补测蝉鈥 means calendar days.
鈥凄颈蝉肠谤颈尘颈苍补迟颈辞苍鈥 means any action, behaviour, or decision based on race, colour, sex, gender identity or expression, pregnancy, family status, sexual orientation, civil status, age (except as provided by law), religion, political conviction, language, ethnic or national origin, social condition, a disability or the use of any means to palliate a disability, which results in the exclusion or preference of an individual or group within the University community. This includes both the actions of individual members of the University and systemic institutional practices and policies of the University.
鈥淗补谤补蝉蝉尘别苍迟鈥 means any vexatious behaviour by one Member of the University Community towards another Member of the University Community in the form of repeated hostile or unwanted conduct, verbal comments, actions or gestures, that affect the dignity or psychological or physical integrity of a Member of the University Community and that result in a harmful environment for such an individual. Within the employment relationship, a single serious incidence of such behaviour that has a lasting harmful effect on such an individual may also constitute Harassment.
鈥淢ember of the University Community鈥 means
i) anyone holding office under the University Charter and Statutes;
ii) an appointee or employee of the University; or
iii) a student as defined in Section 1 of the Code of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures.
鈥淥ffice for Mediation and Reporting鈥 or 鈥淥MR鈥 means a University office dedicated to overseeing the prevention and resolution of Reports of Harassment and Discrimination, charged with the independent and impartial oversight and resolution of all Reports filed under this Policy. The OMR also shall have responsibility for education and awareness-raising as established by Section 4.
鈥凌别辫辞谤迟鈥 means an allegation of Harassment or Discrimination filed with the OMR by a Member of the University Community or by a person who is an employee or holds an appointment with an institution where students of the University are trained and which is, directly or indirectly, a party to an affiliation agreement with the University, against a Member of the University Community in accordance with this Policy.
鈥凌别辫辞谤迟别谤鈥 means a Member of the University Community, or a person who is an employee or holds an appointment with an institution where students of the University are trained and which is, directly or indirectly, a party to an affiliation agreement with the University, who considers that they are the object of Harassment and/or Discrimination as defined by the Policy, and who has filed a Report against another Member of the University Community in accordance with this Policy.
鈥凌别蝉辫辞苍诲别苍迟鈥 means a Member of the University Community against whom a Report has been filed in accordance with this Policy.
鈥淯niversity Context鈥 means an occurrence:
i) on University premises;
ii) within the context of a University-sponsored program or event or activity whether oncampus or off-campus (e.g., University-sponsored competitions or field trips/studies); or
iii) off-campus, including online or in social media, where the conduct has consequences that may be reasonably seen to adversely affect:
- the safety of students, faculty or staff while on campus or while participating in a University-sponsored program, event or activity;
- the right of a Member of the University Community to use and enjoy the University鈥檚 learning or working environment.