Resources for Voicing Concerns

There are a variety of resources available to students, faculty, and staff who wish to raise a concern about equity or climate within the department. Students are encouraged to raise concerns about a particular course with their instructor or the department Chair. They may also contact the Equity Liaison Officer. This officer is available to students, faculty, and staff who wish to voice a concern about equity or climate within the department or related to one of the university’s policies. The officer will be available to provide confidential support and advice regarding relevant university policies and departmental guidelines. The Equity Liaison Officer is available to students who wish to raise equity or climate concerns that arise in class with a faculty member other than (or in addition to) their instructor.

Students may also raise equity and climate concerns through student channels. They may contact the department’s (PSA) (mcgillpsa [at] gmail.com) and speak with an officer of the PSA or ask to be put in contact with the current student representatives that serve on the Equity and Climate Committee. Students may also contact (MAP) (MAP [at] mcgill.ca). These student groups are welcomed and encouraged to share students’ concerns (with those students’ consent) with the Equity and Climate Committee (ECC) either via the ECC’s student representatives or by speaking with the Equity Liaison Officer.

There are also institutional resources external to the department that are available to individuals who are victims of sexual assault or harassment. (OSVRSE) provides support and services (including reporting assistance) to students, faculty, and staff who have been impacted by sexual harassment or assault, gender-based or intimate partner violence, or cyberviolence on or off campus. These services are free, available in French and English, and are provided regardless of gender, sexual orientation, age, citizenship or immigration status, and of when it happened.

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