
Diane Querrien

Diane Querrien
Contact Information
Email address: 
diane.querrien [at] concordia.ca

Avant de venir s'installer au Qu茅bec, Diane Querrien a enseign茅 le fran莽ais langue 茅trang猫re (FLE) dans la r茅gion de Rennes (Bretagne, France) 脿 des apprenants de tous 芒ges, et c'est 脿 cette occasion qu鈥檈lle a commenc茅 脿 travailler aupr猫s de jeunes migrants et 脿 s'int茅resser 脿 la formation des enseignants de fran莽ais.

En demeurant active en enseignement de la langue, elle a ensuite r茅alis茅 sur la question de la formation des enseignants intervenant aupr猫s d'茅l猫ves allophones 脿 leur arriv茅e au Qu茅bec.

Elle intervient aujourd鈥檋ui dans le cadre du 脿 l'Universit茅 Concordia, o霉 elle enseigne 茅galement le fran莽ais comme langue seconde.

Ses recherches portent sur les pratiques et les initiatives des milieux scolaires r茅gionaux pour soutenir le d茅veloppement du fran莽ais chez les 茅l猫ves allophones, ainsi que sur la didactique du fran莽ais langue seconde/茅trang猫re en enseignement sup茅rieur (p茅dagogie active, communication interculturelle, approches plurielles).

Biography in English

Before moving to Quebec, Dr. Diane Querrien taught French as a foreign language (FLE) in the Rennes region (Brittany, France) to learners of all ages. Subsequently, she started working with young migrants and developed an interest in the training of French teachers.

While remaining active in language teaching, she then completed with a focus on training teachers working with multilingual students in school settings, particularly with those under-enrolled upon their arrival in Quebec.

She is currently the at Concordia University.

Her research focuses on the practices and initiatives of the regional school communities to support the development of French among multilingual students, as well as the teaching of French as a second/foreign language in higher education ("active" pedagogy, intercultural communication, pluralistic approaches).

Assistant Professor at Concordia University & Plurilingual Lab Research Collaborator
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