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Catalogue des cours


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CCTR 325 Semi-Specialized Translation (English to French). (3 credits)
Hiver 2019, Hiver 2020
Introduction to the translation of specialized subject matter through translation of various semi-specialized texts (texts written by specialists for non-specialists). Study of the various methods, strategies, appropriate tools and research techniques to identify and resolve translation problems specific to the selected texts, such as the recognition of terms or the challenges of popularizing specialized terminology in French. Students will be exposed to texts in a variety of fields in preparation for the specialized domains covered in subsequent translation courses.
CCTR 326 Semi-Specialized Translation (French to English) . (3 credits)
Hiver 2019, Hiver 2020
Introduction to the translation of specialized subject matter through translation of various semi-specialized texts (texts written by specialists for non-specialists). Study of the various methods, strategies, appropriate tools and research techniques to identify and resolve translation problems specific to the selected texts, such as the recognition of terms or the challenges of popularizing specialized terminology in English. Students will be exposed to texts in a variety of fields in preparation for the specialized domains covered in subsequent translation courses.
CCTR 330 Text Revision/R茅vision: Texte 01. (3 credits)
Hiver 2019
This course is designed to teach students the principles of evaluating and correcting texts written in English or translated from French into English. Students will learn proofreading techniques and editorial practices. The relation between the translating and the revising of a text will be studied./ Ce cours vise 脿 inculquer 脿 l'茅tudiant des principes pour 茅valuer et corriger des textes r茅dig茅s en fran莽ais ou traduits de l'anglais au fran莽ais. On familiarisera l'茅tudiant aux techniques de la r茅vision d'茅preuves et au code typographique. La question des relations entre traduction et r茅vision fera l'objet d'une 茅tude.
CCTR 331 Current Trends in Translation Studies . (3 credits)
Printemps/脡t茅 2019, Hiver 2020, Printemps/脡t茅 2020
Introduction to prominent trends and discourses in translation studies. Text-centered approaches to the study of translation, including the analysis, contextualization and application of central concepts to describe translators' practices, followed by the study of sociological approaches. Empirical case studies selected will analyze the social conditions of production and dissemination of translations, as well as the agents and institutions that shape translation processes and practices, including translators鈥 professionalization.
CCTR 333 Spanish Translation to French. (3 credits)
Designed for students with a good working knowledge of Spanish, the course provides training in translation techniques from Spanish into French. Topics will cover areas of a general nature as well as business and administrative texts.
CCTR 334 Spanish Translation to English. (3 credits)
Hiver 2019, Hiver 2020
Designed for students with a good working knowledge of Spanish, the course provides training in translation techniques from Spanish into English. Topics will cover areas of a general nature as well as business and administrative texts.
CCTR 335 Semi-Specialized Translation (English to Spanish). (3 credits)
Hiver 2020, Printemps/脡t茅 2020
Introduction to the translation of specialized subject matter through translation of various semi-specialized texts (texts written by specialists for non-specialists). Study of the various methods, strategies, appropriate tools and research techniques to identify and resolve translation problems specific to the selected texts, such as the recognition of terms or the challenges of popularizing specialized terminology in Spanish. Students will be exposed to texts in a variety of fields in preparation for the specialized domains covered in subsequent translation courses.
CCTR 340 Introduction to Spanish Text Revision. (3 credits)
Principles of evaluating and correcting texts written in Spanish or translated into Spanish from English or French. Proofreading techniques and editorial practices. Relationship between translation and text revision.
CCTR 360 Spanish Translation 2. (3 credits)
Hiver 2019
The emphasis of this course is on translation from English/French into Spanish. Material chosen for this course will cover those areas which at the moment are in greatest demand: law, material related to international agreements on the environment; computer science, etc. / Cours de traduction anglais/fran莽ais-espagnol. Les documents 茅tudi茅s pendant le cours couvrent des sujets particuli猫rement d'actualit茅 : droit, accords internationaux sur l'environnement, informatique, etc.
CCTR 401 Independent Studies: Translation. (3 credits)
Hiver 2019, Hiver 2020
Research, reading and special projects, permitting independent study under the guidance of a staff member specializing in the field of interest. Projects will have to be arranged individually with the instructors. A detailed study proposal must be submitted to the Director during the first week of class. / Recherche, lecture et projets sp茅ciaux, permettant des 茅tudes ind茅pendantes sous la direction d'un membre du personnel sp茅cialis茅 dans le domaine choisi par l'茅tudiant. Les projets doivent 锚tre con莽us individuellement avec les charg茅s de cours. Projet d'茅tude d茅taill茅 脿 pr茅senter au directeur pendant la premi猫re semaine de cours.
CCTR 433 French Translation 3. (3 credits)
This course concentrates on translating texts from English into French. Texts of specialized domains will be used (e.g. management, legal, computer technology, and engineering).
CCTR 434 English Translation 3. (3 credits)
This course concentrates on translating texts from French into English. Texts of specialized domains will be used (e.g. management, legal, computer technology, and engineering).
CCTR 435 French Translation 4. (3 credits)
Hiver 2019
This course concentrates on translating texts from English into French. Texts from one or more specialized domains will be used (e.g. health and environmental sciences, computer software programs, engineering and aeronautics). Localization techniques will be studied.
CCTR 436 English Translation 4. (3 credits)
Hiver 2019
This course concentrates on translating texts from French into English. Texts from one or more specialized domains will be used (e.g. health and environmental sciences, computer software programs, engineering and aeronautics). Localization techniques will be studied.
CCTR 437 Spanish Translation 3. (3 credits)
Translation and localization of materials/texts from French and/or English into Spanish. Concentration on specialized domains including management, finance, and international and monetary economics.
CCTR 438 Spanish Translation 4. (3 credits)
Hiver 2019
Translation and localization of materials/texts from French and/or English into Spanish. Concentration on specialized domains including technical, legal, medical, and computer technology and software.
CCTR 441 Traduction Litt茅raire-Fran莽ais. (3 credits)
Translation (English into French) of prose of literary quality ranging from the critical essay to the descriptive or psychological novel.
CCTR 442 Literary Translation-English. (3 credits)
Translation (French into English) of prose of literary quality ranging from the critical essay to the descriptive or psychological novel.
CCTR 443 International Business Translation (English to Spanish). (1.5 credits)
Hiver 2020
Focus on international business translation. Survey of basic legislative and business practices. Practice with a range of different texts within the realm of business translation, including contracts, powers of attorney, business correspondence, policies, training documents and strategy guides.
CCTR 445 Healthcare Translation (English to Spanish). (1.5 credits)
Hiver 2020
Healthcare translation from English to Spanish including an overview of language access regulations in healthcare in Canada and the U.S. Introduction to the terminological and translation challenges typical of these texts, as well as the various methods, strategies, and resources to mitigate them. Practical translation exercises include public health leaflets, patient resources, insurance benefit and member information, press releases, as well as consent, surgery pre-op and discharge forms.


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