
Scanning Electron Microscopy

FEI Helios Nanolab 660 DualBeam (Focused Ion Beam-Extreme High-Resolution Scanning Electron Microscope) - Room B/27, Strathcona Anatomy & Dentistry Building

  • Leica Microsystems EM VCT500 Cryo-Transfer System
  • MultiChem Gas Injection System
  • EDAX Octane Ultra 100 mm2 SDD with TEAM 3D EDS Analysis System

FEI Quanta 450 Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-ESEM) - Room 0360, MH Wong Building

  • EDAX Octane Super 60 mm2 SDD and TEAM EDS Analysis System

Hitachi High-Technologies Ethos NX5000 Focused Ion and Electron Beam System - Room 1280, MH Wong Building

  • Oxford Instruments Ultim Max SDD and AZtec 3D EDS and AZtecCrystal EBSD

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