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Update on HR Retro FOAPAL Minerva Menu

Published: 12 August 2020

This message is sent on behalf of Julie Ghayad, Director Systems and Transaction Services


With the implementation of Workday, the HR Retro FOAPAL Minerva Menu is no longer available. A new menu is currently being developed and will reside in the Finance Fund Administration Menu. It will replace Retro FOAPAL Menu, as well as the HR Payroll FOAPAL Journal Request paper form. The new menu will be called 鈥Adjustments to Past Payroll Transactions鈥.

This project is underway and is a collaborative effort between IT, Payroll, Analysis Planning & Budget, representatives from the Faculties of Engineering and Medicine as well as Financial Services. The objective is for the new menu to be available in September.

With respect to training materials and access to the new menu, please see below:

Training Materials

  • Documentation and How To鈥檚 will be made available on the Financial Services website.
  • A new module will be added to the online course OLC-FIS 401 Introduction to Finance and Minerva.


  • FIS Users with Payroll Details will automatically inherit access to the new menu/submenus at go-live.
  • FIS Users without Payroll Details must complete the FIS Authorization form.
  • Non-FIS Users must complete the online course OLC-FIS 401 Introduction to Finance and Minerva.
  • If you are unsure of your FIS status of your employee, please contact the Finance Help Desk: Fishelp.acct [at] mcgill.ca () | 514-398-3463

[Message sent out over the FIS listserv]

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