Bulletin d'information du Réseau canadien pour les
Maladies Tropicales Négligées --> News and updates from the CNNTD
/ Nouvelles et mises à jour de la RCMTN --> The Canadian Network for NTDs meets with the Global Cooperation Caucus in Ottawa!/ Le Réseau canadien pour les MTN rencontre le Caucus de coopération mondiale à Ottawa! Tina Lines, Advocacy, Policy Officer & Dr. Alison Krentel, Chair of The Canadian Network for Neglected Tropical Diseases were invited to meet with the all-party, non-partisan in Ottawa on Tuesday, October 22nd along with other civil society representatives to raise awareness on the impact of climate change on people living in vulnerable situations ahead of COP29. The Canadian Network for NTDs raised awareness of the need to include health as part of Canada’s climate financing. We highlighted the impact of climate change on NTDs and the need to focus on local health care capacities and multi-sectoral approaches that address the health and wellbeing of both people and planet. Other speakers included Dr. Bruce Aylward from the World Health Organization, Danielle Kamtié and Beth Lorimer from KAIROS Canada. The GCC is supported by and - thank you making this meeting possible! ......
Tina Lines, responsable du plaidoyer et des politiques, et le Dr Alison Krentel, présidente du Réseau canadien pour les maladies tropicales négligées, ont été invitées à rencontrer le groupe multipartite, non partisan, le , ainsi que d'autres représentants à Ottawa le mardi22 octobre, afin de sensibiliser de l'impact du changement climatique sur les populations vulnérables avant la COP29. Le Réseau canadien pour les MTN a fait cas de la nécessité de prendre en compte la santé dans le financement climatique au Canada. Nous avons souligné l'impact du changement climatique sur les MTN et la nécessité de se concentrer sur les capacités locales en matière de soins de santé et sur les approches multisectorielles qui prennent en compte la santé et le bien-être des personnes et de la planète. D’autres intervenants dont Dr. Bruce Aylward de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé, Danielle Kamtié et Beth Lorimer de KAIROS Canada ont également pris la parole. Le CCG est soutenu par et - merci de rendre cette réunion possible!
The Canadian Network for NTDs at the Neglected Tropical Disease NGO Network Conference/ Le Réseau canadien pour les MTN à la conférence du réseau d'ONG sur les maladies tropicales négligées This October, NTD non governmental organizations and stakeholders from more than 50 countries convened at the in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to discuss challenges to and solutions for NTD elimination. The theme this year was, “Collaboration for Change: Fostering Global Equity and Strengthening Community Engagement in NTDs.” This photo is of a side-meeting between national NTD networks in which two of the Canadian Network for NTDs Steering Committee members were present - Dr. Khumbo Kalua (UBC) and Maneesh Phillip (Effect Hope). ...... En octobre, des organisations non gouvernementales et des parties prenantes de plus de 50 pays se sont réunies lors de la à Kuala Lumpur, en Malaisie, afin de discuter des défis et des solutions pour l'élimination des MTN. Le thème de cette année était « Collaboration pour le changement : Favoriser l'équité mondiale et renforcer l'engagement des communautés dans la lutte contre les MTN ». Cette photo montre une réunion parallèle entre les réseaux nationaux de lutte contre les MTN, à laquelle participaient deux membres du comité directeur du RCMTN: le Dr Khumbo Kalua (UBC) et Maneesh Phillip (Effect Hope). The Canadian Network for NTDs Goes to the World Health Summit! /Le Réseau canadien pour les MTN se rend au Sommet Mondial de la Santé! We attended The World Health Summit in Berlin this October (pictured here from left to right are Annette Hornung, DNTDs, Alison Krentel, Chair, CNNTD, and Rhan Gunderlach, DNTDs). We were excited to celebrate Germany’s recent announcement of funding to support female genital schistosomiasis (FGS) programming in Malawi. FGS is estimated to affect up to 56 million women and girls in Africa. Its prevention, diagnosis and treatment should be integrated into existing sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and maternal health services so that women and girls can access the comprehensive healthcare they have a right to receive.
This summit also highlighted the impact of climate change on NTDs and the need to integrate climate and health strategies to enable climate-resilience among vulnerable communities. We were delighted to meet with our colleagues from the German NTD Network, Uniting to Combat NTDs, DNDi and others working to raise awareness globally about NTDs. ...... Nous avons assisté au Sommet mondial de la santé à Berlin en octobre (de gauche à droite, Annette Hornung, DNTDs, Alison Krentel, présidente du RCMTN, et Rhan Gunderlach, DNTDs). C'est avec enthousiasme que nous avons célébré l'annonce récente par l'Allemagne d'un financement destiné à soutenir les programmes de lutte contre la Bilharziose génitale chez la fémme (BGF) au Malawi. On estime que le BGF affecte jusqu'à 56 millions de femmes et de filles en Afrique. Sa prévention, son diagnostic et son traitement devraient être intégrés dans les services existants de santé sexuelle et reproductive et de santé maternelle afin que les femmes et les filles puissent avoir accès aux soins de santé complets auxquels elles ont droit.
Ce sommet a également mis en évidence l'impact du changement climatique sur les MTN et la nécessité d'intégrer les stratégies climatiques et sanitaires pour permettre aux communautés vulnérables de résister au changement climatique. Nous avons été ravis de rencontrer nos collègues du German NTD Network, de Uniting to Combat NTDs, du DNDi et d'autres organisations qui s'efforcent de sensibiliser le monde aux MTN. The Canadian Network for NTDs Goes to the Canadian Conference for Global Health! / Le réseau canadien pour les MTN se rend à la Conférence canadienne sur la santé mondiale! The CNNTD hosted a symposia at the Canadian Conference for Global Health titled, “Multisectoral approaches to NTD elimination and control through and beyond displacement due to conflict and climate.” This session was moderated by Dr. Kishor Wasan, Co-founder, NGDI-UBC, and included presentations from Cosmas Ndellejong (Sightsavers), Dr. Khumbo Kalua (UBC), Dr. Lamis Yahia Mohamed Elkheir (University of Khartoum), and Dr. Adam R. Houston (MSF Canada). Speakers highlighted the urgent need to deliver multi-sectoral approaches to address the complex health needs of displaced populations due to climate and conflict. These displaced populations face increased exposure to a wide-range of infectious diseases, including Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs). Panelists offered their insights into different approaches to NTD prevention and treatment during displacement including perspectives on implementation, research, policy and advocacy, and shared experiences of living with NTDs. Additionally, The CNNTD also presented its NTD Research Award 2024 to Dr. Claudia Duguay, who joined online to receive the award. ......
Le RCMTN a organisé un symposium lors de la Conférence canadienne sur la santé mondiale, intitulé «Approches multisectorielles de l'élimination et du contrôle des MTN à travers et au-delà des déplacements dus aux conflits et au climat». Kishor Wasan, cofondateur du NGDI-UBC, et comprenait des présentations de Cosmas Ndellejong (Sightsavers), du Dr Khumbo Kalua (UBC), du Dr Lamis Yahia Mohamed Elkheir (Université de Khartoum) et du Dr Adam R. Houston (MSF Canada). Les intervenants ont souligné l'urgence de mettre en place des approches multisectorielles pour répondre aux besoins sanitaires complexes des populations déplacées en raison du climat et des conflits. Ces populations déplacées sont davantage exposées à un large éventail de maladies infectieuses, y compris les maladies tropicales négligées (MTN). Les panélistes ont présenté leur vision des différentes approches de la prévention et du traitement des MTN pendant les déplacements, y compris des perspectives sur la mise en œuvre, la recherche, la politique et le plaidoyer, et ont partagé leurs expériences de vie avec les MTN. En outre, le CNNTD a remis son prix de recherche sur les MTN 2024 au Dr Claudia Duguay, qui s'est jointe à nous en ligne pour recevoir le prix.
--> CNNTD participates in regional strategies to eliminate NTDs /RCMTN participe aux stratégies régionales visant à éliminer les MTN.
On October 3, 2024, a new report entitled, “Advancing the fight against neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) in French-speaking countries: Progress, Challenges, and the Path Forward for Sustainable Action” was published. It assesses the collective burden and progress made in the fight against NTDs in Francophone countries.
Developed by Uniting to Combat NTDs, ALMA and Speak Up Africa, the report is a powerful tool for raising awareness of the burden of NTDs in Francophone countries. The report highlights the unique opportunities within La Francophonie to leverage linguistic, cultural and historical ties for collective action and cross-border collaboration to more effectively combat NTDs. Alison Krentel submitted on behalf of the CNNTD for the report launch event. To see the full event and read the report in English and French, please visit the webpage about this .
Le 3 octobre 2024, un nouveau rapport intitulé « Faire progresser la lutte contre les maladies tropicales négligées (MTN) dans les pays francophones Progrès, défis et voie à suivre pour une action durable » a été publié Il évalue le fardeau collectif et les progrès réalisés dans la lutte contre les MTN dans les pays francophones.Élaboré par Uniting to Combat NTDs, ALMA et Speak Up Africa, ce rapport est un outil puissant de sensibilisation au fardeau que représentent les MTN dans les pays francophones Le rapport met en évidence les possibilités uniques qu'offre la Francophonie de tirer parti des liens linguistiques, culturels et historiques pour mener une action collective et une collaboration transfrontalière afin de lutter plus efficacement contre les MTN. Alison Krentel a soumis au nom du CNNTD pour l'événement de lancement du rapport. Pour voir l'intégralité de l'événement et lire le rapport en anglais et en français, veuillez consulter la page web consacrée au .
On September 30, 2024, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) hosted its in Washington, D.C. Alison Krentel, Chair of the CNNTD moderated two sessions on accelerating disease elimination in the Americas; one on practical strategies and the other on partnerships. The latter session heard from guest speakers Massimo Ghidinelli, Member of the Board Global Fund, Robert Matiru, Director of Programs, UNITAID, Emily Wainwright, Senior NTD Advisor for Strategy and Partner Engagement, USAID, Stuart Savage, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Canada to OAS, and Dina Isabel Choc, Health promoter, Ki'che Mayan Indigenous Community, Guatemala. ......Le 30 septembre 2024, l'Organisation Panaméricaine de la Santé (OPS) a tenu sa à Washington. Alison Krentel, présidente du CNNTD, a modéré deux sessions sur l'accélération de l'élimination des maladies dans les Amériques, l'une sur les stratégies pratiques et l'autre sur les partenariats. Cette dernière session a été l'occasion d'entendre des conférenciers invités Massimo Ghidinelli, membre du Conseil d'administration du Fonds mondial, Robert Matiru, directeur des programmes, UNITAID, Emily Wainwright, conseillère principale en matière de MTN pour la stratégie et l'engagement des partenaires, USAID, Stuart Savage, ambassadeur, représentant permanent du Canada auprès de l'OEA, et Dina Isabel Choc, promotrice de la santé, communauté autochtone maya Ki'che, Guatemala.
--> NTDs in the Balance: The Canadian Network for NTDs’ Pre-Budget Submission ahead of Federal Budget 2025/Les MTN dans la balance: Soumission pré-budgétaire du Réseau canadien pour les MTN avant le budget fédéral 2025 You helped us shape our pre-budget written submission ahead of Federal Budget 2025! to read a copy of our submission to FINA on August 2nd and what this means for Canada. ...... Vous nous avez aidés à élaborer notre mémoire prébudgétaire en prévision du budget fédéral 2025! pour lire une copie de notre soumission à la FINA le 2 août et ce que cela signifie pour le Canada. --> Take Action For NTDs / Agir contre les MTN --> Join us for our All-Members Virtual Meeting this December!/ Joignez-vous à nous pour notre réunion virtuelle de tous les membres en décembre! Join us for presentations from the African Union, Pan American Health Organization and Effect Hope on how they are integrating NTD prevention and treatment into their broader strategies to achieve NTD elimination goals. Additionally, the Canadian Network for NTDs will also launch its Year in Review document, share the winning videos of our Student and Young Professionals NTD Ambassadorship video competition, and hold an optional 30 minute networking session before closing. ...... Rejoignez-nous pour des présentations de l'Union africaine, de l'Organisation panaméricaine de la santé et Effect Hope sur la façon dont ils intègrent la prévention et le traitement des MTN dans leurs stratégies plus largesavancées pour l’atteintdre dles objectifs d'élimination des MTN. En outre, le Réseau canadien pour les MTN lancera son document «Year in Review», partagera les vidéos gagnantes retenues à l’issue dede notre compétitionncours vidéo « Student and Young Professionals NTD Ambassadorship » et tiendra une session optionnelle de réseautage facultative de 30 minutes avant la clôture de la réunion. --> Join us for our World NTD Day Open Planning Session 2025, Wednesday, December 4th at 11:00am/
Rejoignez-nous pour la session de planification ouverte 2025 de la Journée mondiale des MTN, le mercredi 4 décembre à 11h00 --> WHO R&D Blueprint for NTDs / Plan directeur de l'OMS en matière de R&D pour les MTN WHO is coordinating the development of a Research & Development Blueprint for NTDs, and is seeking contributors: national NTD programme and NGO staff, NTD researchers, clinicians, NTD funders and people affected by NTDs. WHO would like to recruit as many people as possible in each of those categories. Please volunteer to help through using the link on the website: . Applications close 2 December 2024. ...... L'OMS coordonne l'élaboration d'un plan directeur de recherche et développement sur les MTN et recherche des collaborateurs : personnel des programmes nationaux sur les MTN et des ONG, chercheurs sur les MTN, cliniciens, bailleurs de fonds pour les MTN et personnes affectées par les MTN. L'OMS aimerait recruter autant de personnes que possible dans chacune de ces catégories. Veuillez vous porter volontaire en utilisant le lien sur le site web: . Clôture des candidatures le 2 décembre 2024. --> Call for experts: WHO Diagnostic Technical Advisory Group (DTAG) for NTDs - Onchocerciasis Sub-group / Appel à experts: Groupe consultatif technique pour le diagnostic (DTAG) de l'OMS pour les MTN - Sous-groupe sur l'onchocercose The WHO Global Neglected Tropical Diseases Programme is soliciting with requisite background and experience to join the Onchocerciasis Sub-group of the WHO Diagnostic Technical Advisory Group (DTAG) for Neglected Tropical Diseases. Interested candidates should submit a resumé or curriculum vitae and a motivation letter confirming their willingness and availability to contribute. All applications should be emailed with ‘DTAG Oncho Sub-group’ in the subject line to: carrichona@who.int by 19 December 2024. ...... Le programme mondial de l'OMS sur les maladies tropicales négligées sollicite possédant la formation et l'expérience requises pour rejoindre le sous-groupe sur l'onchocercose du groupe consultatif technique de diagnostic (DTAG) de l'OMS pour les maladies tropicales négligées. Les candidats intéressés doivent soumettre leur curriculum vitae et une lettre de motivation confirmant leur volonté et leur disponibilité. Toutes les candidatures doivent être envoyées par courrier électronique avec la mention « DTAG Oncho Sub-group » dans l'objet à : avant le 19 décembre 2024. --> Call on Canada to invest in climate-resilient health systems, diagnostics and medicine within its climate financing strategy / Demandez au Canada d'investir dans des systèmes de santé, des diagnostics et des médicaments résilients au climat dans le cadre de son financement climatique COP29 has come to a close with Canada making some bold commitments in climate finance. However, Canada continues to work on it's Nationally Determined Contributions that will support a transformative New Collective Quantified Goal for climate finance. We are asking Canada to include health as part of its climate financing that will allow Canada can make good on its endorsement of the , and support this year’s . Please join us in asking the Government of Canada to act now and invest in climate-resilient health systems, diagnostics and medicine as part of its climate financing to reduce the health impact of climate on the most vulnerable populations. ......
La COP29 s'est achevée sur des engagements audacieux du Canada en matière de financement du climat. Cependant, le Canada continue de travailler sur ses contributions déterminées au niveau national qui soutiendront un nouvel objectif collectif quantifié transformateur pour le financement climatique. Nous demandons au Canada d'inclure la santé dans son financement pour le climat, ce qui lui permettra de concrétiser son adhésion à la , et de soutenir la cette année . Joignez-vous à nous pour demander au gouvernement du Canada d'agir maintenant et d'investir dans des systèmes de santé, des diagnostics et des médicaments résistants au climat dans le cadre de son financement climatique afin de réduire l'impact du climat sur la santé des populations les plus vulnérables.
--> Highlights from Canadians Working in NTDs/ Faits marquants des Canadiens travaillant dans le domaine des MTN --> Introducing the Winner of our NTD Research Award 2024!/
Présentation du lauréat de notre prix de la recherche sur les MTN We were happy to announce Dr. Claudia Duguay as the winning author of our NTD research award at the in Vancouver, BC this October! To learn more about the winning paper, please visit our . ......
Nous avons eu le plaisir d'annoncer que le Dr Claudia Duguay était l'auteur lauréat de notre prix de recherche sur les MTN lors de la qui s'est tenue à Vancouver, en Colombie-Britannique, en octobre dernier ! Pour en savoir plus sur le document gagnant, veuillez consulter notre .
--> Spotlighting Canadian Efforts Against NTDs: In Conversation with Professor Albert Descoteaux/ Mise en lumière des efforts canadiens contre les MTN: entretien avec le professeur Albert Descoteaux Moustapha Nikiema, PhD, our UDEM Intern interviewed Professor Albert Descoteaux, who has done extensive research on a parasite known as Leishmania, that affects more than a million people each year with different forms of the disease: cutaneous, mucosal and visceral leishmaniasis, the later of which is deadly without treatment. To learn more about his work and about this disease, please ...... Moustapha Nikiema, PhD, notre stagiaire UDEM, a interviewé le professeur Albert Descoteaux, qui a effectué des recherches approfondies sur un parasite connu sous le nom de Leishmania, qui affecte plus d'un million de personnes chaque année avec différentes formes de leishmaniose cutanée, muqueuse et viscérale, cette dernière étant mortelle en l'absence de traitement. Pour en savoir plus sur son travail et sur cette maladie, veuillez . --> World Rabies Day: Challenges & Opportunities to Get to Zero by 30/Journée mondiale de la rage: Défis et opportunités pour atteindre l'objectif zéro d'ici 30 ans September 28th was World Rabies Day with the theme, “Breaking Rabies Boundaries,” highlighting the need to address what is standing in the way of achieving the target of eliminating human rabies transmitted by dogs by 2030. Rabies virus is a global public health problem that affects under-resourced communities. Human cases of rabies are a rare but real threat in Canada that requires a One Health approach to address. Please click on the link below to learn more. ......
Le28 septembre était la Journée mondiale de la rage, dont le thème était « Briser les Frontières de la Rage », soulignant la nécessité de s'attaquer à ce qui fait obstacle à la réalisation de l'objectif « , qui consiste à éliminer la rage humaine transmise par les chiens d'ici à 2030. Le virus de la rage est un problème de santé publique mondial qui touche des communautés aux ressources limitées. Les cas de rage chez l'homme constituent une menace rare mais réelle au Canada, qui nécessite une approche « Une seule santé ». Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous pour en savoir plus.
--> NTD Youth Initiatives/ Initiatives de la jeunesse MTN Students and youth working in Canada on NTD research and advocacy took part in this video featuring NTD youth initiatives around the world. by the NTD Youth Initiative of the German Society for Tropical Medicine to learn more! ... Des étudiants et des jeunes travaillant au Canada sur la recherche et la défense des MTN ont participé à cette vidéo présentant des initiatives de jeunes sur les MTN dans le monde entier. Pour en savoir plus, réalisée par l'initiative des jeunes contre les MTN de la Société allemande de médecine tropicale! --> In The News / Dans la presse L'Indonésie lance la dernière ligne droite pour éliminer la filariose lymphatique, la lèpre et le pian La Commission européenne s'engage à verser 260 millions d'euros à Gavi pour 2026-2027 S'attaquer à la réalité du nomaQuand les médicaments ne fonctionnent pas : l'élimination des maladies tropicales négligées réduira la résistance aux médicaments - une victoire pour tous --> Research Funding Opportunities /Possibilité de financement de la recherche The Gates Foundation and LifeArc have launched a joint Grand Challenges request for proposals, "Innovations for Exceptionally Low-Cost Monoclonal Antibody (mAb) Manufacturing". This Grand Challenge is calling for proposals that offer radical, innovative, and technically feasible pathways to achieving the $10/gram target. We invite you to bring your expertise, creativity, and passion to this effort and help shape a future where the best medical treatments are available to everyone, everywhere. Option A applications for proof-of-concept projects are due by 11:30 AM. PST on January 31st, 2025. Option B Applications are for those that have completed proof-of-concept work with feasible pathways to achieving the $10/gram and are interested in additional support can apply by 11:30 am PST, May 31st. Please review the full details for both opportunities on the . ...................... La Fondation Gates et LifeArc ont lancé un appel à propositions commun dans le cadre du Grand défi, intitulé « Innovations for Exceptionally Low-Cost Monoclonal Antibody (mAb) Manufacturing » (Innovations pour la fabrication d'anticorps monoclonaux à un coût exceptionnellement bas). Ce grand défi fait appel à des propositions qui offrent des voies radicales, innovantes et techniquement réalisables pour atteindre l'objectif de 10 dollars par gramme. Nous vous invitons à apporter votre expertise, votre créativité et votre passion à cet effort et à contribuer à façonner un avenir où les meilleurs traitements médicaux seront accessibles à tous, partout. Les candidatures à l'option A pour les projets de validation du concept doivent être déposées avant 11h30 (heure de Paris) le 31 janvier 2025 . PST le 31 janvier 2025. Les demandes au titre de l'option B sont destinées à ceux qui ont réalisé des travaux de validation du concept avec des voies possibles pour atteindre les 10 dollars par gramme et qui souhaitent bénéficier d'un soutien supplémentaire, et ce jusqu'au 31 mai 2025 à 11 h 30. PST le 31 mai 2025. Veuillez consulter les détails complets des deux possibilités sur le . --> Research /Recherche
Canadian researchers are making a difference to NTDs. Listed are publications from Canadian-affiliated authors published since July 1st, 2024. Canadian-affiliated authors are bolded. Have we missed something? Let us know by sending an email.
Les chercheurs canadiens font une différence dans le domaine des MTN. Les publications des auteurs affiliés au Canada publiées depuis 1er juillet 2024. Les auteurs affiliés au Canada sont en gras.
Avons-nous manqué quelque chose? Faites-le nous savoir en nous envoyant un courriel.
Antonopoulos, A., Gilleard, J.S. and Charlier, J. (2024). N Trends in Parasitology, [online] 40(6), pp.511–526. doi:.
Charlier, J., Rinaldi, L., Morgan, E.R., Claerebout, E., Bartley, D.J., Sotiraki, S., Mickiewicz, M., Martinez-Valladares, M., Meunier, N., Wang, T., Antonopoulos, A. and de Carvalho Ferreira, H.C. (2024). Animal Frontiers, [online] 14(5), pp.13–23. doi:.
Dhaliwal, M. and Bogoch, I.I. (2024). Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease, [online] 62, p.102765. doi:.
Gyapong, M., Dalaba, M.A., Mustapha Immurana, Manyeh, A.K., Kazeem Arogundade, Jacobson, J. and Krentel, A. (2024). PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 18(9), pp.e0012443–e0012443. doi:.
McCollum, R., Barrett, C., Zawolo, G., Johnstone, R., Godwin-Akpan, T.G., Berrian, H., Chowdhury, S., Kollie, J., Kollie, K., Rogers, E., Parker, C., Phillip, M., Sempe, L., Maaike Seekles, Smith, J.S., Wede Seekey, Wickenden, A., Zeela Zaizay, Theobald, S. and Dean, L. (2024). Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease, [online] 9(8), pp.183–183. doi:.
Natnael Shimelash, Theogene Uwizeyimana, Dusabe, L., Uwizeyimana, J., Huston, T. and Schurer, J.M. (2024). PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 18(8), pp.e0012346–e0012346. doi:.
Queffeulou, M., Philippe Leprohon, Fernandez-Prada, C., Ouellette, M. and Ana María Mejía-Jaramillo (2024). MBio. doi:.
Sangare, M., Diabate, A.F., Coulibaly, Y.I., Diadje Tanapo, Sekou Oumarou Thera, Dolo, H., Ilo Dicko, Coulibaly, O., Sall, B., Traore, F., Doumbia, S., Kulkarni, M.A., Nutman, T.B. and Krentel, A. (2024). BMJ Global Health, 9(10), pp.e015671–e015671. doi:.
Šlapeta, J., Vande Velde, F., Martínez-Valladares, M., Canton, C., Claerebout, E. and Gilleard, J.S. (2024). . Trends in Parasitology, 40(10), pp.886–895. doi:.
Sudlovenick, E., Jenkins, E. and Loseto, L. (2024). . One Health, [online] 19, p.100846. doi:.
Wasan, K.M. (2024). PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 18(9), pp.e0012500–e0012500. doi:. --> Save the date for upcoming events /
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--> Join us! Rejoignez-nous! The Canadian Network for Neglected Tropical Diseases welcomes individual, organizational and international members. . --- Le Réseau canadien des maladies tropicales négligées accueille des membres individuels, organisationnels et internationaux. Copyright © 2024 Canadian Network for Neglected Tropical Diseases, All rights reserved.
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Fire raced through a crowded, informal settlement in Manila, Philippines, on Sunday, leaving up to 10,000 people homeless, .
- News reports estimate 1,000 to 2,000 families are now homeless.
- Manila’s Mayor Honey Lacuna said the city would provide evacuees with “cash aid, food, and materials for rebuilding their homes.”
Drone video shared by shows a wall of flame engulfing a large portion of the neighborhood and later, twisted black tin sheets and ash.
The Quote: “I feel bad because we have no livelihood and no home. We don’t know how we can eat,” resident Elvira Valdemoro told a reporter in the video.
No deaths have been reported from the fire, and the cause hasn’t been determined. EDITORS’ NOTE Thanksgiving Break
GHN will not be published from tomorrow, Wednesday, November 27, through Friday, November 29, for the observance of the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday.
On the topic of thanks: We’re very thankful for all of our readers and the many ways you strengthen GHN. Special shout-out to all of you who submitted ideas for our Untold Stories contest; we hope to announce the winners within a couple of weeks.
We’ll be back on Monday, December 2, with more news! —The Editors DATA POINT The Latest One-Liners Pesticide-tainted food in small convenience shops in South Africa may be to blame for a spate of food poisoning deaths in recent months, including at least 23 children; the country has declared a national disaster to address the crisis.
Queensland, Australia is in the throes of its worst recorded whooping cough outbreak, with the death of one baby, 23X as many cases as this point last year, and rising hospital admissions—particularly among infants; vaccination rates among pregnant women plunged 6.5% between 2020 and 2023.
The U.S. Supreme Court yesterday declined to hear a challenge by major tobacco sellers to an FDA rule mandating the inclusion of graphic anti-smoking images on cigarette packs and ads.
Drugmaker Cassava Sciences halted all ongoing studies of its controversial Alzheimer’s drug, simufilam, after it showed no signs of working in a phase 3 clinical trial. The Latest: US Trump Transition Health News
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CDC chief urges focus on health threats as agency confronts political changes –
Trump's Medical 'Contrarians' Herald New Era of Vaccine Scrutiny – GLOBAL HEALTH VOICES TOBACCO How ‘Click’ Cigarettes Hook Latin American Teens
A dizzying array of cigarette flavors—lemonade, apple, lollipop, strawberry—are enticing young people across Latin America to try smoking, and keeping them hooked.
Despite promises to phase out traditional tobacco products, Philip Morris International and British American Tobacco have made these “flavor capsule” or “click” cigarettes a staple.
Crawford Moodie, a researcher with the University of Stirling in Scotland who studies flavored cigarettes, calls them “a huge, global public health threat.”
- In Chile, flavored brands like Lucky Strike Fresh Wild account for 42% of cigarette sales.
- In Peru, flavored cigarettes make up more than half of sales.
- In Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, and México, more than a fifth of cigarettes sold contain flavor capsules.
Related: The huge stakes in a Supreme Court case about vaping – CHILD AND ADOLESCENT HEALTH Behind the Child Mortality Reversal
Child death rates in the U.S. dropped for decades due to medical advances and public health policies. But a sharp reversal occurred from 2019 to 2021, with the mortality rate surging more than 10%.
The driver: Injuries. Gun violence—now the leading cause of death among children—accounted for nearly half of the increase. Overdoses more than doubled, and fatal car accidents spiked 16%
Disproportionately affected: Black and Native American children, who have been dying at much higher rates than white children.
Behind the data: Studies into gun violence have stalled for years due to political interference. While congressional funding in 2019 brought about a resurgence of research, a shifting political climate could jeopardize that work.
This Thursday, 60-foot giants will once again stalk the streets of Manhattan—and crowds of adoring fans will cheer them on.
The balloons of the annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade seem to amble through New York City without a care in the world. But walking on air takes tremendous groundwork, :
Floating numbers: Bringing the 17 “character balloons,” 15 “heritage and novelty balloons,” and 22 parade floats to life requires 18 months of prep and 60 artisans working thousands of hours.
- Each new balloon creation takes about six months, and balloons are tested in New Jersey at the in the weeks before the parade.
Related: Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Boss Takes Us Behind the Scenes of This Year's Spectacle - QUICK HITS A triple emergency in Kenya amid malaria and measles outbreaks –
It's a virus you may not have heard of. Here's why scientists are worried about it –
In search of a vaccine for leishmaniasis –
America's Alarming Bird-Flu Strategy: Hope for the Best –
Drugs like Wegovy, Ozempic would be covered by Medicare, Medicaid under Biden proposal –
A pathway for skin NTD diagnostic development –
Could games help people stick to HIV treatment? –
The disappearance of empathetic touch in medicine –
Do not wash your turkey and other Thanksgiving tips to keep your food safe – Issue No. 2821
Global Health NOW is an initiative of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Contributors include Brian W. Simpson, MPH, Dayna Kerecman Myers, Annalies Winny, Morgan Coulson, Kate Belz, Melissa Hartman, Jackie Powder, Aliza Rosen, and Rin Swann. Write us: dkerecm1@jhu.edu, like us on and follow us on Instagram and X .
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Copyright 2024 Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. All Rights Reserved. Views and opinions expressed in Global Health NOW do not necessarily reflect those of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health or Johns Hopkins University.
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Mpox is still a public health emergency of international concern, a WHO committee decided Friday, due to rising cases, continued geographic spread, and “ongoing challenges in the field,” .
Vaccine impact emerging: The decision comes as the agency confirmed that new cases appear to be “plateauing” in the epicenter DRC since the first batch of vaccinations was rolled out—but officials cautioned that the disease is still spreading across the continent, and that it remains too early to ascertain the vaccine’s overall impact, .
- The WHO will publish the emergency committee’s full report this week, along with its updated recommendations, .
- That could be changing, as a DRC immunization official said a vaccination plan for children has been drafted.
Fatal attacks on health workers in Lebanon have reached a “higher percentage than in any active conflict today across the globe,” —with 47% of all attacks on health facilities causing the death of a health worker.
Médecins Sans Frontières has in Port-au-Prince for the first time in 30+ years after repeated attacks and violent threats against staff by the national police and armed vigilantes; the charity was one of the last health providers in the besieged city.
Scientists are bracing for the impact of president-elect Trump’s promised travel bans, which stand to stress an already shrinking academic workforce, stymie collaborations, and stall progress on research; at least two U.S. universities have advised international students to return to campus before Jan. 20, when Trump will be able to issue executive orders.
Smoking could cause ~300,000 cancer cases in the UK over the next five years, per a new analysis from Cancer Research UK, which said the “magnitude of damage” from smoking warrants further government intervention. GHN EXCLUSIVE Monique Wasunna delivering a keynote address at the ASTMH annual meeting in New Orleans, November 13. Brian W. Simpson Neglected Diseases Are Fierce, But So Is Monique Wasunna
NEW ORLEANS—Monique Wasunna’s dramatic efforts as a young doctor in Kenya to save an 11-year-old boy with visceral leishmaniasis—racing him in her own car to a referral hospital—shaped her career.
“I said to myself … I will do anything in my power to help other patients. I will be their advocate. My mind was made up. Leishmaniasis it was, NTDs it was,” the DNDi Africa Ambassador told GHN in a . She reflected on her efforts to fight visceral leishmaniasis and other neglected diseases and shared insights on the work ahead, touching on:
- The NTD most likely to hit the global elimination milestone next (hint: the earlier treatment was an arsenic compound that patients said feels like “fire in the veins”).
- Critical obstacles that donors are neglecting.
- The little-discussed ingredient needed to combat brain drain.
GLOBAL HEALTH VOICES MALARIA A Multipronged Assault on Mosquitoes
At Ifakara Health Institute in Tanzania, researchers know there is no silver bullet for malaria.
That’s why scientists and engineers there are busy crafting an arsenal against the disease and the mosquitoes that carry it—all from a network of labs that would “make James Bond’s Q green with envy.”
The inventory of interventions—from the simple to highly sophisticated—includes:
- Mosquito-proof sandals: Simple leather sandals fitted with a woven strap treated with insecticide, which reduced mosquito landings by 48%.
- Eaves ribbons: Strips of insecticide-treated fabric created to hang at ventilation gaps in mud and brick housing.
- Genetic modification: Ifakara has launched an effort to modify mosquito genes so that the insects cannot transmit the malaria parasite.
UnitedHealth Group, the U.S.’s biggest insurance conglomerate, has deployed algorithms and other strategies to identify those “overusing” mental health services.
- It then limits or revokes coverage for some of the nation’s most vulnerable patients.
- Federal law blocks companies from making mental health care coverage harder to obtain than physical health coverage, but a regulatory patchwork allows UnitedHealth and other insurance companies to skirt scrutiny—forcing regulators into a “Whac-A-Mole” scenario.
OPPORTUNITY QUICK HITS CDC confirms H5N1 in California child as Hawaii details testing results –
How recent flooding crisis could fuel neglected topical diseases in Kenya –
Moscow bans adoption of Russian children to countries that allow gender transition –
It took years for my Black son to be diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. Then it happened to my family again –
Fold paper. Insert lens. This $2 microscope changes how kids see the world –
‘A place of joy’: why scientists are joining the rush to Bluesky – Issue No. 2820
Global Health NOW is an initiative of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Contributors include Brian W. Simpson, MPH, Dayna Kerecman Myers, Annalies Winny, Morgan Coulson, Kate Belz, Melissa Hartman, Jackie Powder, Aliza Rosen, and Rin Swann. Write us: dkerecm1@jhu.edu, like us on and follow us on Instagram and X .
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Copyright 2024 Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. All Rights Reserved. Views and opinions expressed in Global Health NOW do not necessarily reflect those of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health or Johns Hopkins University.
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Since the Taliban regained power in Afghanistan in 2021, LGBTQ citizens have endured “widespread” physical and sexual violence in detention centers, human rights groups report.
One group, Roshaniya, has documented 825 instances of violence against LGBTQ people in Afghanistan, including beatings, arrests, and detention—and emphasized the number was likely an undercount.
- And transgender and gender non-conforming people are being “consistently” targeted at Taliban checkpoints.
60% of Americans say they will “probably not” get an updated COVID-19 vaccine, ; reasons given include concerns of potential side effects and belief that the booster is not necessary.
Poliovirus detected in Warsaw wastewater is prompting Poland’s health authorities to urge that children be vaccinated; about 86% of the country’s 3-year-olds have been vaccinated against the virus.
Women with endometriosis or growths in their uterus have a slightly higher risk of dying before age 70, .
A new malaria vaccination strategy involves boosting immunity via genetically engineered parasites, ; the strategy protected ~90% of study participants from “contracting the disease after being bitten by malaria mosquitoes.” GHN EXCLUSIVE COMMENTARY Police in Bogota conduct speeding checkpoints a key part of a comprehensive road safety strategy in 2022. Bogota Secretariat of Mobility Language Reform Drives Change in Road Safety Journalism
With a staggering global toll of deaths per year, road crashes are the leading cause of death for people age —and they are almost always preventable.
Yet many people consider road traffic crashes happenstances––and media messaging reinforces that narrative, often depicting them as “accidents,” “bad luck,” and or the victim’s fault, writes Vital Strategies’ Kristi Saporito.
Framing crashes as isolated and inevitable “accidents” beyond our control implies that they’re inevitable—but solutions, including protective policies, exist.
Words matter: By communicating that road safety is a public health issue and that crashes are largely preventable, the media has the power to shift attitudes, Saporito writes.
- Journalism trainings in Colombia, supported by and the , advised reporters on neutral road-incident vocabulary and placing traffic crashes in the context of broader road safety issues—and led to measurable improvements in reporting language.
GLOBAL HEALTH VOICES U.S. ELECTION What Does Dr. Oz’s Appointment Mean for Medicare?
Dr. Oz—the heart surgeon, turned TV star, turned Trump appointee to run the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services—is a familiar face for his daytime television persona as “America’s Doctor.”
Less familiar? His policy positions regarding the federal agency that oversees coverage for 145 million Americans, its $1 trillion budget, and what kind of influence he could bring to coverage decisions, drug price negotiations, and the Affordable Care Act, .
Puzzling positions:
- Oz has championed healthy lifestyle habits and criticized Big Pharma—and he has also spread misinformation about Covid-19, promoted unproven supplements, and profited from the pharmaceutical industry he’s criticized.
- He has previously expressed support for Medicare privatization. He has not revealed his views on Medicaid—though some Republicans in Congress have called for changes that shrink the program’s budget, .
It’s hard to be funny. But you know what’s even harder? Taking something objectively hilarious and pretending it isn’t. So, a big GHN kudos to whoever does the press releases for the California Department of Insurance.
The staffer : Four suspects were arrested on charges of insurance fraud after claiming their luxury vehicles were vandalized by bears—“but it was actually a person in a bear costume.”
It bears (ahem) mentioning: Video footage effortlessly opening car doors and rifling about in a suspiciously sapiens manner.
Still, investigators needed to be sure, so they enlisted a biologist who “opined it was clearly a human in a bear suit.”
Further confirming the obvious: A was found in a suspect’s home. QUICK HITS US CDC expects COVID and RSV levels to increase in coming weeks –
New study finds climate change is increasing the power of hurricanes –
‘Increasing risk’ of tropical infections as new blood donor monitoring launched –
Less-potent fentanyl pills may be playing a role in decrease of US overdose deaths, DEA says –
Scientists taught rats to drive – now they love getting behind the wheel – Issue No. 2819
Global Health NOW is an initiative of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Contributors include Brian W. Simpson, MPH, Dayna Kerecman Myers, Annalies Winny, Morgan Coulson, Kate Belz, Melissa Hartman, Jackie Powder, Aliza Rosen, and Rin Swann. Write us: dkerecm1@jhu.edu, like us on and follow us on Instagram and X .
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Copyright 2024 Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. All Rights Reserved. Views and opinions expressed in Global Health NOW do not necessarily reflect those of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health or Johns Hopkins University.
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A “growing and dire” crisis of antimicrobial resistance is taking hold in Gaza, as attacks on hospitals and blockades leave doctors with few tools to fight infections, .
Open wounds: Amid a constant backlog of patient care, many patients’ wounds are left open for long periods of time, leading to acute infections, say researchers with Médecins Sans Frontières.
- Critical antibiotics remain unavailable, and many infections are unresponsive to the limited antibiotics at hand—resulting in amputations and death.
- With so few drugs, “nurses have a bottle of vinegar on the wound-dressing shelf” to treat infections, said Gaza physician Khaled al Shawwa.
Meanwhile, an overconsumption crisis: Global antibiotic usage has climbed 20%+ globally since 2016—despite a pandemic-era disruption, a new of pharmaceutical sales published in PNAS finds, .
- Higher consumption levels are largely being driven by LMICs, where weak health care and hygiene systems have exacerbated illnesses and “indiscriminate” antibiotic use.
A second mpox vaccine has been granted emergency use designation ; Japan’s stockpiled doses of its LC16m8 mpox vaccine will be sent to the DRC and Burundi, and will be the first mpox vaccine available for children.
53 days post-Hurricane Helene, potable water has been restored in Asheville, North Carolina, after storm damage required extensive repair of the city’s water treatment and distribution system.
A new nasal vaccine to prevent whooping cough could help slow the disease’s spread; the vaccine, developed by Tulane University, works to clear bacteria from the upper respiratory tract, limiting contagion. WORLD CHILDREN'S DAY DATA POINT AGING Growing Older Solo—With Support
As more Americans face aging alone and far from family, support networks are being redefined as neighbors, friends, and fellow “solo agers” step in to help with daily care needs.
- In 2015, 15 million Americans ages 50+ had no nearby family; this number is expected to rise to 21 million by 2060.
Still a challenge: A 2022 AARP survey showed only 25% of solo agers had help with household tasks, and just 38% had support for ongoing care needs.
The environmental impact of South Africa’s health care system is massive—but so are the opportunities for change.
Reconsidering single-use: Although manufacturers and regulators typically designate medical devices for single use, research shows that some could be safely sterilized and reused.
Smaller carbon footprints: Some new hospitals in SA have been designed with energy-efficient features like solar power, and energy-saving measures in Western Cape pilot projects have eliminated thousands of tons of CO2.
Big opportunity: South Africa could join the WHO’s Alliance for Transformative Action on Climate and Health, which aims to help countries make health care greener.
OPPORTUNITY QUICK HITS Amid record year for dengue infections, study finds climate change responsible for 19% of rising dengue burden –
Nationwide IV fluid shortage changing how hospitals manage patient hydration –
California child tests positive for bird flu with no known exposure to infected animals –
Djibouti experiments with GM mosquito against malaria –
60% of Americans say they probably won't get an updated COVID-19 vaccine –
New FDA rules for TV drug ads: Simpler language and no distractions –
Elon Musk Asked People to Upload Their Health Data. X Users Obliged. – Issue No. 2818
Global Health NOW is an initiative of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Contributors include Brian W. Simpson, MPH, Dayna Kerecman Myers, Annalies Winny, Morgan Coulson, Kate Belz, Melissa Hartman, Jackie Powder, Aliza Rosen, and Rin Swann. Write us: dkerecm1@jhu.edu, like us on and follow us on Instagram and X .
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Copyright 2024 Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. All Rights Reserved. Views and opinions expressed in Global Health NOW do not necessarily reflect those of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health or Johns Hopkins University.
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Antimicrobial resistance is already a leading cause of death worldwide—but as AMR deaths spiral, the pipeline for new antibiotics is drying up, not ramping up. As WHO marks , leading researchers explain why:
- For one, small antibiotic makers can’t stay in business. Governments and public health programs closely guard novel antibiotics, deploying them as little as possible to avoid resistance, says Kevin Outterson, executive director of CARB-X, a nonprofit that supports antibiotics R&D.
What’s the Solution?
- Invest in incentives: Countries are starting to get behind “push” incentives that fund antibiotics R&D, and “pull” incentives designed to keep the makers of novel antibiotics afloat.
- Antibiotics for all: It’s key that these incentives be designed to ensure that research and new drugs reach high-risk populations in LMICs.
- Not just new drugs: Improving diagnostics and basic hospital hygiene are indispensable tools to protect antibiotics from resistance, says AMR researcher Caline Mattar.
GLOBAL HEALTH VOICES The Latest One-Liners Approximately 1 in 6 war-wounded trauma patients treated at Bashair Teaching Hospital in south Khartoum, Sudan, so far in 2024 are children under 15; many arrive with wounds from gunshots, blasts, or shrapnel, x-rays show.
Genetic sequencing of the H5N1 bird flu virus that infected a British Columbia teenager reveals that the virus underwent mutational changes that would make it easier to infect humans; there’s no evidence the teen infected anyone else, but the source of infection is unclear.
President Putin signed a decree today to allow for Russia’s use of nuclear weapons in response to an attack by a nonnuclear actor backed by a nuclear power, days after U.S. President Biden reportedly gave Ukraine permission to use U.S.-supplied long-range missiles on targets deep inside Russia.
A state judge struck down Wyoming's overall abortion ban, including an explicit ban (the nation’s first) on the use of pregnancy-ending medication. VIOLENCE Leading Cause of Maternal Deaths: Homicide
More pregnant women and new mothers in the U.S. die at the hands of intimate partners than from medical causes, published in in JAMA Network Open.
Going deeper: The study, which analyzed CDC data from 2018 to 2021, found that laws that restrict access to divorce and abortion during pregnancy can raise the risk of intimate partner violence.
- Researchers also emphasized a vital need for safe housing, protective orders, and additional resources for pregnant women in abusive relationships.
ChatGPT outperformed human physicians in assessing a series of medical case histories, a published in JAMA Network Open found—demonstrating the power of A.I. systems to be “doctor extenders,” providing niche insights or second opinions.
The study: 50 doctors and ChatGPT—and some doctors equipped with ChatGPT— were all fed the same medical case details and asked to provide a diagnosis. Each was graded on their ability to diagnose correctly, and on their ability to explain why they landed on potential diagnoses.
The results: The doctors operating alone had an average score of 74%. ChatGPT scored an average of 90%. Doctors using the chatbot got an average score of 76%—underscoring how doctors are often wedded to their own conclusions, despite the chatbot’s suggestions.
CORRECTION The ‘Never-Before-Seen Virus’ … Except in 2019
We'd received a Google Alert about the MSN story that we shared in a one-liner yesterday, about a mysterious malaria-like illness in Peru caused by a previously unknown phlebovirus; the case, however, was detected in 2019 and reported in 2023. We aim to limit one-liners to news stories that are not more than a day or two old, so that definitely did not meet our editorial guidelines—and we apologize for the oversight. Thanks to GHN reader Rebecca Wurtz for flagging our error! QUICK HITS
They fled war in Sudan. Now, women in refugee camps say they’re being forced to have sex to survive –
Urban mosquito sparks malaria surge in East Africa –
Abortion pills may be FDA's first test under Trump –
How Trump's reelection could impact reproductive health in low income countries –
Effect of health education on knowledge, perception, and intended contraceptive use for family planning among university students in Pakistan –
Falls, assaults, accidental poisoning among leading causes of injury hospitalisations and deaths in Australia –
Biden administration backs away from plastic production limits in UN treaty –
Over 4 tonnes of batteries collected to reduce environmental, health impacts –
Global Health NOW is an initiative of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Contributors include Brian W. Simpson, MPH, Dayna Kerecman Myers, Annalies Winny, Morgan Coulson, Kate Belz, Melissa Hartman, Jackie Powder, Aliza Rosen, and Rin Swann. Write us: dkerecm1@jhu.edu, like us on and follow us on Instagram and X .
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Copyright 2024 Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. All Rights Reserved. Views and opinions expressed in Global Health NOW do not necessarily reflect those of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health or Johns Hopkins University.
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Measles cases surged 20% globally last year—a trend health leaders worry will only continue if vaccine skeptic Robert F. Kennedy Jr. takes the helm of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
- Measles cases jumped from 8.6 million to 10.3 million between 2022 and 2023 —driven largely by a COVID-19 pandemic-era drop in vaccinations, .
- Most affected are the world’s poorest and conflict-riven countries, especially in Africa, where deaths from measles increased by 37%, .
- In Samoa, where a 2019 measles outbreak infected 5,700+ people and caused 83 deaths, health officials say misinformation spread by Kennedy’s nonprofit, Children’s Health Defense, worsened the crisis by contributing to vaccine hesitancy, .
More than 4,000 scientists, researchers, practitioners, and other experts gathered in New Orleans last week through this weekend for the annual meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene.
And GHN was there. We were honored to meet with so many professionals from so many countries (welcome, those of you who just signed up for GHN!) and sit in on so many informative sessions. , including briefs on mpox, Hansen’s disease, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and a walking tour through public health history. —Brian and Dayna GLOBAL HEALTH VOICES The Latest One-Liners
Kala-azar cases in Kenya are on the rise with 124 people sickened in the last month as doctors call for urgent interventions to constrain the disease’s spread.
Dengue deaths in Bangladesh have surpassed 400 as the country battles its worst outbreak in years; rising temperatures and a longer monsoon season have driven the surge in infections, with 78,595 patients hospitalized.
A never-before-seen virus that causes a malaria-like illness has been detected in Peru, doctors say; an investigation into an initial case revealed that the virus is a previously unknown phlebovirus.
61,000+ people in Sudan have died during the first 14 months of conflict in the country—a death toll “significantly higher than reported,” per a new wartime mortality by researchers from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. WOMEN'S RIGHTS Iran to Open Clinic for Hijab Defiance
Officials in Iran have announced plans to open a “treatment clinic” for women who resist mandatory hijab laws—a move decried by human rights advocates.
- The clinic will promote “scientific and psychological treatment for hijab removal,” per one Iranian official.
- Human rights groups, including Amnesty International, have reported torture and forced medication of dissidents in state-run psychiatric hospitals.
In the OR Tambo district in the Eastern Cape, pregnant women and new moms living with HIV—and their children—are healthier thanks to trusted peer support workers.
These “mentor mothers,” who also have HIV, are trained and deployed to this remote area to encourage women to take and stay on antiretroviral treatments.
- More than a third of pregnant women in the region have HIV, but they rarely pass it to their babies.
OPPORTUNITY QUICK HITS US health officials report 1st case of new form of mpox in a traveler –
Dengue fever spiked to record levels in 2024: Climate change will make it even worse –
Jeddah conference closes with adoption of global pledges to tackle antimicrobial resistance –
The Philippines will not intervene if Interpol arrests Duterte over ‘war on drugs’ –
E. coli outbreak linked to organic carrots sickens people in 18 states –
Jay Bhattacharya, an NIH critic, emerges as a top candidate to lead the agency –
RFK Jr. isn't the only one. More than a billion people have parasitic worms –
Study to look at why some people with aggressive cancer are ‘super-survivors’ – Issue No. 2816
Global Health NOW is an initiative of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Contributors include Brian W. Simpson, MPH, Dayna Kerecman Myers, Annalies Winny, Morgan Coulson, Kate Belz, Melissa Hartman, Jackie Powder, Aliza Rosen, and Rin Swann. Write us: dkerecm1@jhu.edu, like us on and follow us on Instagram and X .
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Copyright 2024 Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. All Rights Reserved. Views and opinions expressed in Global Health NOW do not necessarily reflect those of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health or Johns Hopkins University.
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Prix Grands Sages honours VRƵ professor emeritus Dr. Phil Gold and two PhD candidates
Researchers’ outstanding contributions to science and society celebrated by the Fonds de recherche du Québec
Fifteen new or renewed Canada Research Chairs awarded to VRƵ
$13.8 million in federal funding for VRƵ’s cohort of 10 new, five renewed Canada Research Chairs
In yet another ominous sign for malaria treatment’s prospects, the malaria parasite is acquiring partial resistance to a key medication used to care for children experiencing severe malaria, according to a study and presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene.
Major findings:
- The study, led by Ugandan researchers Ruth Namazzi and Robert Opoka from Makerere University in Kampala, found partial resistance to the malaria drug artemisinin in 11 of 100 children treated for severe malaria.
- They found that 10 patients “cured” of severe malaria experienced a resurgence of the same strain of the parasite within 28 days of the original infection—which implies the first treatment didn’t fully eliminate the parasite, said study coauthor Chandy John.
- They also noted that it took more than 72 hours to clear the parasites in two children—a duration that the WHO defines as early treatment failure.
We’re thrilled to be in New Orleans this week for the American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene annual meeting.
If you’re here too, please stop by GHN’s exhibit, #114. We’re right across from our friends at the DNDi/MSF booth, which you should also visit!
We’d also like to welcome new GHN subscribers who visited our booth and signed up last night—from countries including Austria, Bangladesh, Brazil, Eswatini, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Sri Lanka, Uganda, and Zambia. Thanks for subscribing!
If you enjoy Global Health NOW, please share the with colleagues and friends. —Dayna Kerecman Myers, dkerecm1@jhu.edu; and Brian W. Simpson, bsimpso1@jhu.edu. GLOBAL HEALTH VOICES The Latest One-Liners
Weight loss drugs may help curb alcohol addiction, new published in JAMA Psychiatry suggests, with GLP-1 drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy cutting risk for hospitalization.
State medical boards almost never discipline doctors who spread misinformation about COVID-19, an from the University of North Carolina School of Law has found.
The bird flu infection that has left a Canadian teen in critical condition is not the version of H5N1 found in cows and currently circulating in the U.S., genetic sequencing has found; it is instead of a genotype found in wild birds.
A new diagnostic test uses genetic sequencing to ID pathogens from a range of possible culprits—viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi—which could help doctors more effectively diagnose and treat hard-to-identify infections like meningitis. NONCOMMUNICABLE DISEASES Uncontrolled Diabetes Reaches New Heights
The number of adults globally living with diabetes has soared 4X since 1990—surpassing 800 million, finds a released on World Diabetes Day, .
Extra troubling: 445+ million people with diabetes—59% of the global total—are not receiving treatment, .
- The problem is most acute in LMICs, where treatment rates are as low as 10%, . India, Pakistan, and Indonesia have especially high rates of untreated diabetes.
- Tedros called for countries to “urgently take action”—particularly to equip health systems to meet the crisis.
- The WHO also launched new guidance on today.
Daily activities have come to a standstill in Pakistan’s populous Punjab province, as thick smog envelops the region, .
Outdoor activities have been banned, schools closed, and markets shuttered as the debilitates millions of residents living in Lahore, Multan, and surrounding areas.
- Air quality index readings have surpassed ~1,000; 300+ is considered hazardous to health, per .
- that 11+ million children are at risk. In January, 240+ children in Punjab province .
Most vulnerable: “It’s poor people that are facing the brunt of the air pollution crisis because they have no means to protect themselves from it,” environmental lawyer Ahmad Rafay Alam told NPR. ALMOST FRIDAY DIVERSION Fun, Games—and Fame
You might have thought a toy’s value is measured by asking: “Do I like playing with it?”
But you’d be wrong.
This week, anyway, the question is: Is it among the elite?
- Three 1980s icons—Phase 10, Transformers, and My Little Pony—have joined the in Rochester, New York.
No longer a bridesmaid: The honor was “extra validating” for seven-time finalist My Little Pony, .
- But how did lush-maned mini ponies—whose chief function is hairstyling—edge out the humble stick horse behind ? Why were balloons and trampolines bounced out of the running?
Kenya's new health insurance rollout sparks challenges and concerns –
Scientific breakthrough to prevent negative side effects of weight loss drugs like Ozempic –
The Making Of A New American Epidemic –
The people cracking the world's toughest climate words – Issue No. 2815
Global Health NOW is an initiative of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Contributors include Brian W. Simpson, MPH, Dayna Kerecman Myers, Annalies Winny, Morgan Coulson, Kate Belz, Melissa Hartman, Jackie Powder, Aliza Rosen, and Rin Swann. Write us: dkerecm1@jhu.edu, like us on and follow us on Instagram and X .
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A surge of gang violence in Haiti puts the country at further risk of isolation, as airlines halt flights to the country and as hospitals and medical groups like Médecins Sans Frontières describe untenable working conditions.
No flights: Haiti’s main international airport in Port-au-Prince remains closed after three U.S. commercial passenger planes were hit by suspected gang gunfire, and the FAA has now banned all U.S. airlines from operating in Haiti for 30 days, .
- Even UN helicopters are unable to land in the capital, and the closure has raised questions about the arrival of 600 Kenyan police officers, deployed to reinforce a UN-backed security mission.
Hospitals are struggling to cope with an “indescribable” surge of traumatic injuries, as doctors and medical facilities buckle under the pressures of an already devastating year, . GLOBAL HEALTH VOICES The Latest One-Liners
Global temperatures may be closer to the “crucial” 1.5C warming threshold than previously thought, according to of Antarctic ice cores suggesting that, in 2023, human-driven warming reached 1.49C above pre-industrial levels.
Children in Somalia face perilously high rates of pneumonia and diarrhea—two leading killers of children under age 5 globally—as well as the added risk of low immunization rates, per a by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Pathogens on microplastics can survive wastewater treatment and can quickly form protective microbial biofilms—allowing them to form colonies of “plastispheres” that pose a threat to human and environmental health, finds a new from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences.
Women are stockpiling emergency contraception pills in the week since Donald Trump was re-elected as U.S. president, with one company’s sales of morning-after pills rising 966% as of Friday compared with three days before the election. GHN EXCLUSIVE COMMENTARY A child is vaccinated during the polio vaccination campaign in Deir al Balah, Gaza, on September 1. Abed Rahim Khatib/Anadolu via Getty Images Stopping Polio in Gaza and Why It Matters
Last week’s conclusion of a two-month effort to protect over half a million children from polio was an important advance for Gaza—and the world, writes vaccine expert Walter Orenstein in an exclusive commentary for GHN.
Gaza’s challenge: The polio strain circulating in Gaza is type 2 variant poliovirus, which 31 countries are currently battling.
The vaccine used in Gaza is the . It’s less likely than a previous version of the oral polio vaccine to revert to a form that can cause paralysis.
Encouraging record: Over the three and half years of nOPV2’s use, the number of type 2 variant poliovirus cases has been reduced, providing hope that the end of type 2 variant polio is in sight, writes Orenstein.
The future: Polio anywhere is a risk to communities everywhere. All children everywhere need to be fully vaccinated against polio. This will require overcoming hurdles like war, climate disasters, political instability, and vaccine misinformation.
We’ve seen the result of such commitment in Gaza. It’s now essential to get the same cooperation, resources, and determination everywhere.
Some good news for sexually active Americans: The STI epidemic lost steam in 2023, according to .
- Overall, syphilis increased by only 1% after years of double-digit increases.
- Cases of the most infectious stages of syphilis fell 10% from 2022.
- Gonorrhea cases dropped 7%, falling below pre-COVID levels.
- Growing use of the antibiotic doxycycline as a “morning-after pill” to reduce the risk of bacterial STIs.
- Changes in sexual behavior and testing habits among high-risk populations after the 2022 mpox outbreak.
- More funding into health departments following the pandemic, meaning more health workers conducting testing and contact tracing and connecting people to treatment.
Mpox vaccination shortage delays Kinshasa's drive against outbreak –
WikiGuidelines group publishes first new UTI guidance in 14 years –
This scientist treated her own cancer with viruses she grew in the lab – Issue No. 2814
Global Health NOW is an initiative of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Contributors include Brian W. Simpson, MPH, Dayna Kerecman Myers, Annalies Winny, Morgan Coulson, Kate Belz, Melissa Hartman, Jackie Powder, Aliza Rosen, and Rin Swann. Write us: dkerecm1@jhu.edu, like us on and follow us on Instagram and X .
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