Forums virtuels d’entraide pour le corps professoral
Rencontres de soutien par les pairs entre membres du corps enseignant (programme en suspens). Ces rencontres comprennent une brève séance d’information présentée par un expert, suivie d’une période de questions et d’une discussion en petits groupes pour échanger avec les pairs, puis d’un retour sur les apprentissages tirés des expériences de chacun. Découvrez les forums d'entraide du corps professoral dans cet article (5 octobre 2020).
Documentsdes séances précédentes (en anglais) |
Vice to Virtue: Dealing effectively with Conflicts of Interest |
What do we value when we evaluate academic work? |
The Truth first ᑕᑈᐅᓐ ᓂᔅᑎᒻ taapwaaun niistim: Responding to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to Action in our teaching, research and everyday lives |
Supporting each other and our students through Back-to-School in a pandemic |
Open Science, a key accelerator for neuroscience... and for health sciences |
Engaging successfully with the media |
Addressing common challenges in supervision |
Reflecting on Inuit Healthcare and Research |
Making sense of the latest COVID-19 vaccine news |
Considering pandemic impacts on career development, promotions and tenure |
Blue-sky thinking about silver linings: What changes to research, teaching, work and life will we want to keep, post-pandemic? |
The roles of academics in advocacy and activism |
Zooming in on graduate teaching and supervision |
Equity, diversity and inclusion: towards a truly inclusive environment |
Ramping up, down and sideways |
Effectively managing your team in and out of a crisis |
Recognizing and managing personal stress and anxiety |
A second look at Psychological First Aid |
Research uncertainty? Mining the literature for answers |
ResearchMatch 3.0: Supporting Data Science collaborations during the summer |
The joy of engaging with students and colleagues on #socialmedia |
Engaging learners and teachers in remote learning |
Creating new routines in ever-changing times |
Finding a sustainable pace for the 'new normal' |
A Public Health perspective on 'Ramping up' at VRƵ |
Ramping up - Planning next steps for research and graduate supervision |
Research productivity without data |
Psychological first aid |
How to keep students engaged remotely |