Graduate Convocation Awards


Processing a Convocation Award to a Graduate Student

The majority of convocation awards are processed for the Spring convocation ceremonies in May/June. Fall convocation awards are typically entered in October/November.

The following will guide you through the steps necessary to successfully submit a convocation award and have it paid to the recipient.

When processing a convocation award on the Award Processing Form (APF) remember the following:

  • Since the spring convocation Award payment happens at the end of May, it impacts the new Fiscal Year which begins May 1st through to April 30th each year.

Before you begin, take note of the following:

  • Only monetary awards should be submitted via the Award Processing Form - do not submit Dean’s Honour List, medals, etc. for convocation.

Payment information for Winter Term

Term Method Date
Winter 20XX Accounts Payable
(payable to student's personal bank account)
April 30, 20XX

NOTE: If the recipient was last registered in the Fall semester, please make sure the award term span is set for the Fall semester and the payment date is set to December 15th.

Payment Information for Fall term

Fall 20XX

Accounts Payable
(payable to student's personal bank account)

December 15, 20XX

NOTE: If your convocation award does not have a default disbursement schedule, you can request one via email to Student Funding. You may still submit your award without a default schedule, if you choose.

  • Budgets are not normally setup in BSA for the summer period (May – August). You will need to go to the Award Processing Form in early May to verify the Remaining Amount available.

  • The recipient must have a valid mailing address and their direct deposit information on Minerva for the award payment to be processed.

  • If the banking information is not available you should still submit the convocation award and contact the recipient as soon as possible to avoid delaying the payment release.

Viewing Banking Information

Viewing direct deposit information.
Viewing direct deposit information.

Selecting an Aid Fund Code for Graduate

Selecting an undergraduate Aid Fund Code.
Selecting an undergraduate Aid Fund Code.
  • When processing a Spring Graduate Convocation award, remember to:

    • select the start and end date to be from Jan 1, 20XX to Apr 30, 20XX  (OR) from Sep 1, 20XX to Dec 30, 20XX  for students who finished their courses in December.

    • select the Aid Fund Code. Check the properties displayed on the right to ensure the Program Stage indicated is Convocation. If the program stage is not convocation, a new Aid Fund Code will need to be requested by filling out the Aid Fund Request Form.

  • If a default disbursement schedule does not exist, select payment method Accounts Payable so that students receive their awards by direct deposit.

Academic Transcripts and Convocation Awards

  • Only Official Undergraduate Convocation Awards that are academic based and awarded by a Faculty Scholarship Committee can appear on the recipient’s academic transcript. 
  • All other awards are eligible to appear on the Co-Curricular Record (CCR).
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