Melissa Viglione Adamidis
Curriculum Administrator - Electives
成人VR视频 Electives罢别濒别辫丑辞苍别:听514-396-2369
贰-尘补颈濒:听听 mcgillelectives.med [at] mcgill.caContact Melissa for administrative questions for 成人VR视频 students and technical questions about the Electives portal or how to register for an elective
Mary Cecere
Administrative Student Affairs Coordinator
Visiting Elective聽StudentsTelephone: 514-399-9373
E-mail: electives.med [at] mcgill.caContact Mary for out of province and international electives
Dr. Zoya Chaudhry
UGME Electives Director
E-mail: electivesdirector.med [at] mcgill.caContact Dr. Chaudhry for academic and pedagogical questions or approval of research and international electives